You will not be able to buy more than 1 bottle of liquor in Chhattisgarh: New rule of Excise Department, experts said – black marketing of liquor will increase.

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In Chhattisgarh, the Excise Department has made a new rule regarding the sale of liquor. Now only one bottle of liquor will be given to a person at a time from the liquor shop. Will be able to take 2 bottles of half liter or 4 bottles of pav each.

The same rule will apply for beer also. At the same time, a person will not be able to keep more than 3 liters of liquor with him at a time. According to the Excise Department, this new rule has been made to stop illegal storage and illegal sale of liquor.

Premium Liquor Shop Raipur.
Premium Liquor Shop Raipur.

Earlier the rule was to buy 4 bottles per person

Excise Department officials said that earlier a person was allowed to buy 4 bottles of liquor from the liquor shop counter. But now this rule has changed. Now only one bottle will be available in the local, English and premium liquor shops of the state.

However, liquor lovers can buy liquor by going to different shops or can buy one bottle each from the same shop at different times.

Crowd gathered outside the liquor shop.
Crowd gathered outside the liquor shop.

There was no change in this rule

There is no change in the rules for keeping liquor bottles in the new order. One person can hold up to 3 liters of liquor. But to buy 3 liters of liquor he will have to go to the liquor shop counter at different times. Or you will have to buy it from another liquor shop.

Black marketing of liquor will increase

Experts say that this decision of the government will greatly increase black marketing in liquor. There will be a huge increase in the sale of illegal liquor. Smuggling of illegal liquor will start from the border areas. Recently the government has also increased the prices of liquor.

The government is looking for sources to increase income from liquor. Due to this, prices of branded and non-branded liquor were increased by about 25 percent. Through this the government is trying to achieve the target of revenue of Rs 11 thousand crores.

Department officials say that Kochi used to take many bottles of liquor at once and collect them and sell them at higher prices. For this reason this decision has been taken, but other experts believe that this will cause a huge loss of revenue to the government. All the companies will be busy in consuming the liquor of number two.

Liquor sale worth Rs 20 crore on Holi

Recently, during the festival of Holi, bumper quantity of liquor was purchased in Chhattisgarh. During Holi, domestic and foreign liquor worth Rs 43 crore was purchased in just three days. Within just three days, the people of Chhattisgarh consumed liquor worth Rs 43 crore. In these three days, the maximum amount of liquor has been purchased just one day before the festival of Holi. That means, on the day of Holika Dahan, people of the state have purchased liquor worth Rs 20 crores.

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