Water crisis’ in Raipur’s Dhebar City: Colony residents met the Mayor regarding water problem; Said- If solution is not found then we will complain to RERA

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Residents of Dhebar City Colony located in Bhathagaon, Raipur are facing water crisis for the last 3 months. The family living in Lotus Tower flat in Dhebar City met Mayor Ejaz Dhebar on Saturday night. After listening to the complaint, Mayor Dhebar has assured to solve the water problem soon.

Resident Brijesh Kohli told that the meeting was being sought for three months, but the meeting was not happening. We all reached here on Saturday night and met. The Mayor has said that arrangements for government taps will be made within 10 days. If arrangements are not made then we will meet again. Even then if the solution is not found then we will go to RERA and complain about the builder.

Brijesh Kohli, resident of Lotus Tower Dhebar City.

Take maintenance money every month but no facilities

People of Dhebar City Lotus Tower told that every month the people looking after the management of the colony take maintenance amount. Even after this we are not getting even basic facilities. Naresh Jain told that there are two bores in the colony which have dried up. No arrangements are made by the builder. Everyone’s life is being affected due to water.

People said that they are regretting taking the flat.
People said that they are regretting taking the flat.

Controversy happens every day

People living in flats in Dhebar City say that they are regretting buying a flat here. The builder had promised to provide many facilities while selling the flat, but today even water facility is not available. The management of Lotus Tower was also informed about this several times but they too are not able to find a solution.

People living in the colony say that they are regretting taking the flat. We write letters to the builder regarding the problems but the management staff does not send the correct information to the builder. There are arguments with management employees every day.