New Delhi. Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai has given instructions to make better arrangements for the treatment of pilgrims from Durg district injured in the bus accident on the Agra-Lucknow Expressway. The Chief Minister has directed Health Minister Shyam Bihari Jaiswal, Lundra MLA Prabodh Minj and Residential Commissioner New Delhi Shruti Singh to visit Shikohabad District Hospital and Firozabad Medical College, so that the injured pilgrims can get the necessary facilities from the state government for treatment.
The Chief Minister has spoken to the district administration and instructed the doctors to take proper care. Necessary instructions have also been given to the senior officials. Let us tell you that a bus full of 65 pilgrims who had gone on a pilgrimage from Durg district of Chhattisgarh met with an accident in Nasirpur on the Agra-Lucknow Expressway in Uttar Pradesh early this morning. Three pilgrims died in this accident. Also, about 40 pilgrims were injured. The injured pilgrims are being treated at Shikohabad District Hospital and Firozabad Medical College.