Raipur. Under the leadership of senior BJP leader and MLA Brijmohan Agarwal, people of Sanatani Samaj and BJP workers recited Hanuman Chalisa at Budheshwar Hanuman Temple, Budhapara Raipur to provide wisdom to Congress Party and Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel. Brijmohan Agarwal started the recitation of Hanuman Chalisa by praising Hanuman ji. Talking to reporters, Brijmohan Agarwal said that the Congress party and the Chief Minister are making indecent comments on Bajrang Bali and Bajrang Dal. Bajrang Dal talks about ban without any reason. In fact, the real agenda of Congress is to oppose Sanatan Dharma, that is why they adopt different methods to oppose Sanatan Dharma. Defense is. The Congress, which gives money to those who convert, does not want anyone to oppose their wrong policies, their anti-religious acts. He said that through the recitation of Hanuman Chalisa, we have prayed to Hanuman ji to give wisdom to the Congress and the Chief Minister who are running on anti-Sanatan policies.
Brijmohan asked Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel to control the Naxalites a little. The law and order here, take care of the mafias. As for Bajrang Dal, Bajrangi is a devotee of Hanuman ji. He is the protector and servant of Sanatan Dharma. Don’t dare to ban Hanuman ji on the devotees of Hanuman ji.
District BJP President Jayanti Bhai Patel, BJP Spokesperson Amit Sahu, Ramesh Singh Thakur, Old Basti Mandal President Salik Singh Thakur, Sadar Bazar Mandal President Praveen Deora, Civil Line Mandal President Mukesh Panjwani, Deputy Leader of Opposition Manoj Verma, Khemraj Vaid, in Hanuman Chalisa recitation. Councilor Chandrapal Dhangar, Sanju Narayan Thakur, Sarita Akash Dubey, Sarita Verma, Seema Kandoi, Manisha Chandrakar Mahila Morcha President Seema Sahu, Swapnil Mishra, Chudamani Nirmalkar, Bajrang Dhruv, Anurag Pandey, Taral Solanki, Sumit Sharma, Abhishek Dhangar, Raj Gaikwad, Hundreds of BJP workers including Ajay Soni, Sibu Shukla, Manoj Rajput, Anil Sharma, Amir Kose were present..