Tomato being sold at Rs 200 a kg in Chhattisgarh: Vegetable prices spoil people’s taste

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Tomato prices are skyrocketing in entire Chhattisgarh including Gorela-Pendra-Marwahi (GPM) district. The main reason for this is said to be the low arrival of tomatoes due to heavy rains across the country. For the first time in Chhattisgarh, tomato is being sold at Rs 200 per kg. Tomato reached a new peak of Rs 180 to 200 per kg in Pendra’s vegetable market, while its price was Rs 100 to 120 per kg for almost 2 months.

With the start of the rainy season, most of the vegetable producing farmers have started cultivating other crops, hence the prices of local vegetables have increased due to less arrival in the markets. The prices of almost all the vegetables including tomato, barbati have gone up significantly. Tomato, which was sold for Rs 10 to 20 per kg, is now being sold for Rs 200 per kg. Similarly, parwal is being sold at Rs.80 per kg, munga at Rs.80, barbati at Rs.50 and okra at Rs.50 per kg. Potato-onion prices are less as compared to green vegetables, so people have to satisfy with these. People’s taste has deteriorated due to the increase in the prices of green vegetables. Due to the increase in the prices of vegetables due to the rain, the pockets of the people who are already suffering from inflation are getting empty. Cabbage in Raipur is Rs. Selling till Vegetable traders say that if there is no improvement in arrivals, the prices will remain the same. The women said that the budget of the consumers, already troubled by the inflation of cooking gas, has now been further worsened by the prices of all vegetables including tomatoes. Women say that due to inflation it has become difficult to eat vegetables. The kitchen budget has gone completely awry.

4 reasons for the rise in tomato prices

Tomato crop has been damaged due to rain in many states.

Some parts are experiencing severe heat, which has led to a decline in production.

Tomatoes are not being supplied in sufficient quantity from the neighboring states.

In many places, the sowing of tomato this year is less as compared to last year.

Biparjoy cyclone also increased the difficulties

Some experts believe that the production of tomatoes has also been affected due to Biparjoy cyclone.

Gujarat and Maharashtra are among the top tomato producing states where the impact of Biperjoy was visible.

The effect of impact of cyclone on tomato production in Gujarat was reflected in the increase in prices.

India is the largest tomato producing country after China

According to the National Horticultural Research and Development Foundation, India is the second largest tomato producer in the world after China. It produces about 20 million tonnes of tomato from an area of about 7.89 lakh hectares with an average yield of about 25.05 tonnes per hectare. China is on top with a production of 56 million tonnes.

In the year 2021-22, more than 20 million tonnes of tomatoes were produced in India. Mainly two types of tomatoes are grown here. Hybrid and Local. Madhya Pradesh is the largest tomato producing state in the country. After this, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Odisha and Gujarat are among the maximum tomato growing states.