These gods and goddesses are very fond of the offerings made on banana leaves, they become happy immediately.

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Benefits of Offering Bhog on Banana Leaf: In Hinduism, after worship, Bhog is offered to the deities. This has great religious significance. It is believed that worship is complete only after offering Bhog. In Sanatan Dharma, banana leaves are used in every auspicious work. Offering Bhog to God on a b

It is believed that Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi reside in the banana leaf. There is a tradition of worshipping the banana tree on Thursday, but do you know that offering food to some deities by placing them on a banana leaf brings auspicious results quickly.

1. Ganesh Ji (Benefits of applying Bhoga on banana leaves)

 First of all, offering bhog to the first worshipped Lord Ganesha on a banana leaf is very auspicious and fruitful. It is believed that Lord Ganesha likes bananas very much. In such a situation, if we offer bhog on a banana leaf, then all the difficulties in our life are eliminated and we also get rid of Mercury Dosha.

2. Vishnu ji (Benefits of applying Bhoga on banana leaves)

Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi are believed to reside in the banana tree. Also, it is considered good to offer food to Lord Vishnu on a banana leaf. If this leaf is used in worship, then the blessings of Shri Hari and Goddess Lakshmi always remain. Also, if you offer food to Lord Vishnu on a banana leaf, then all the obstacles in marriage are removed, along with this happiness and prosperity remains in the house.

3. Goddess Durga

Offering bhog to Maa Jagdamba on a banana leaf is considered very auspicious. According to religious belief, whoever offers bhog to Mata Rani on a banana leaf, Maa Durga is pleased with him quickly and does not let any kind of obstacle come in his life. By doing this, there is happiness and peace in the family.

4. Mother Lakshmi

Lakshmi Mata is called the goddess of wealth and financial problems are removed when she is pleased. If after worshipping Goddess Lakshmi, offering her food on a banana leaf is very auspicious. Offering food on a banana leaf pleases Goddess Lakshmi quickly and we never have to face financial crisis in our life. However, the use of banana leaves in worship is considered very auspicious and other gods can also be offered food on banana leaves.

anana leaf is considered very auspicious.