Chhattisgarh Deputy CM TS Singhdev said that there are signs of change in Madhya Pradesh BJP. BJP may be finding assembly candidates weak, that is why priority is being given to those contesting Lok Sabha elections. Singhdev was speaking on giving tickets to Union Ministers and MPs in MP.
Singhdev, who visited Ambikapur, said that giving tickets to central leaders in Madhya Pradesh is BJP’s strategy. If so many senior leaders come to the state and contest elections, then it is natural that there will be a possibility of changing the Chief Minister there. BJP has opened the leadership.
He said that there is no loss or benefit to Congress from this. It does not happen that the MPs who have contested will win the assembly. But a clear message is being sent from these names that they have not decided the leadership, they have opened the leadership.
Discussion on candidates of Chhattisgarh on October 1
Singhdev said, after the PCC meeting, the names of the candidates will be discussed in the screening committee of Chhattisgarh on October 1. The names will be sent to the Central Committee. Congress is in no hurry to announce the ticket. 15 days is enough time.
Earlier, tickets were announced only a few days before the filing of nominations. The contenders are continuously doing public relations in the area. A decision has to be taken thoughtfully among many contenders.
‘Congress is in no hurry in announcing the ticket’: Deputy CM Singhdev said – Those who released the list quickly, there are voices of rebellion there, theirs too did not come again. In Ambikapur, Deputy CM TS Singhdev had said regarding the list of Congress candidates that there was haste in announcing the ticket. No, those who released the list early, there are voices of rebellion there. Congress is in no hurry. Now, when the clear opinion of the State Election Committee about 90 assembly seats comes before the screening committee, then a meeting of the screening committee will be held. Right now only the State Election Committee meeting is going on. From there it will go to the screening committee, then the screening committee will send it to the Central Election Committee.