The use of ‘Kali Gunja’ is very miraculous, it is considered very important in Ayurveda and Tantra…

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Kali Gunja Remedies : Gunja is a seed which is found very rarely. These days it is available in puja material shops. Gunja is a legume seed full of beneficial properties. It is also known by the names Dhungchi, Ratti etc. Its vine is quite similar to that of a pea but has a relatively strong and stiff stem. You can see it at some goldsmith shops. Till a few years ago, goldsmiths used it to weigh gold, because the weight of each grain is approximately equal to 120 mg. How much it has settled in our lives can be gauged from its use in idioms and proverbs.

Gunja Beej is as famous for Tantriks as it is in Tantra Shastra. The same is used in Ayurveda also. In Ayurveda, white Gunja is used extensively as a medicine along with its root which has the same taste and properties as liquorice. For this reason, many people adulterate its root with licorice. Whereas blood (red) gunja is extremely poisonous. Kali Gunja is rare, its uses are almost not found even in Ayurveda, but it is considered very important in Tantra experiments.

Amazing remedies for Gunja (Kali Gunja Remedies)

having a child

In auspicious time, bring the root of white Gunja, wash it with cow’s milk, worship with white sandalwood, flowers, incense lamp and thread it in a white thread. If a man or woman chants the mantra “Aim Kshan Yam Dam” eleven thousand times and wears it, then they will definitely get the happiness of having a child.

will be respected throughout life

Rub Gunja root like sandalwood in pure water (Ganga water, well water or water from other places of pilgrimage). If possible, get it rubbed by the hands of a Vedapathi Brahmin or a virgin girl. Apply this paste on the forehead like sandalwood. Wherever such a person goes to any meeting or function, he will get special respect there.

There will be prosperity in business, trade or job

On the first Wednesday of Shukla Paksha of any month, tie 1 copper coin, 6 red Gunja seeds in a blank red cloth and lower it 11 times in a secluded place between 11 am to 1 pm, to a depth of 11 inches. Dig a hole and bury it in it. Do this 11 Wednesdays. The pressing area should always be new. With this experiment, there will be prosperity in business or job, there will never be shortage of money in the house.

provider of knowledge and wisdom

Grind Gunja-Mool in red or black goat’s milk and apply it on the palms, rub and continue this experiment daily for a few days, the person’s intelligence and memory power starts becoming sharper, powers of thinking, perception etc. will start becoming sharper and more intense. . If 11 or 21 grains of white Gunja are infused and kept in the north-east of the student’s room, will it improve concentration and memory power? It has amazing benefits.

To protect the bride and groom

At the time of marriage, red Gunja is worn in the groom’s bracelet. This is an experiment of Tantra, which is for the groom’s safety, prosperity, removal of evil eyes and happy married life. Gunja rosary is worn as jewellery.