Dantewada. CM Vishnudev Sai has started the Lok Sabha election campaign from Dantewada. He addressed the workers’ conference at the stadium in Chitalanka with enthusiasm. In the program, 370 Congressmen joined BJP in front of the CM. During this, Finance Minister OP Chaudhary, Forest Minister and local MLA Chaitram Attami were also present on the stage.
The crowd of officials gathered on the stage was flouting the protocol. Nothing is going well inside the BJP district organization. District level Morcha officials were seen missing from the stage and Chut Bhaiya leaders were given the responsibility of running the stage. The senior officials sitting in the rows below were not able to digest this at all. Even though 370 Congressmen have surrendered to BJP. CM Sai welcomed all of them with the BJP’s towel around their neck.
Sources associated with the BJP organization say that there are two such general ministers in the district, due to which the protocol of the organization has been disturbed. Apart from these two, other officials of the BJP organization are being ignored. The victims of this neglect are not only female officials but also a number of male officials. If the officials are angry like this then what will be the condition of the common workers.
These officials were not seen on the stage
District President of ST Morcha, District President of Mahila Morcha, District President of Yuva Morcha, District President of OBC Morcha, District Officer of Kisan Morcha, Minority Morcha and District BJP were seen missing from the stage. The district officials of the BJP organization have also been ignored. They all have their own pain. No one is able to speak out vocally against the organization. All of them are expressing their pain in hushed tones.
The program of the organization and the neglect of the officials of the organization
BJP is talking about CM Sai’s visit as a workers’ conference. This program in Dantewada is being considered as an organization’s program, hence this program was completed under the leadership of State President Kiran Dev, State General Secretary Kedar Kashyap and BJP District President Chaitram Atami. There was thunderous applause on the energetic speech of OP Choudhary, the District Collector and Finance Minister of the present BJP government, who was present in the district to instill enthusiasm among the Dantewada workers. The internal pain of the organization is becoming a canker. If this pain is not resolved soon, the infighting within the BJP will leave no stone unturned in affecting the results of the Lok Sabha.
Party respects every worker: Lok Sabha district in-charge
Lok Sabha election district in-charge Nivasrao Maddi said, BJP is a party based on strong organization. There is no question of ignoring any worker here. The party fully respects every worker.