Raipur. The issue of misbehavior with former Home Minister Nankiram Kanwar was raised in the House. Leader of Opposition Narayan Chandel demanded Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel and Home Minister Tamradhwaj Sahu to take the matter seriously. Chief Minister Baghel said that action is being taken against the officials on the complaint.
Leader of Opposition Narayan Chandel raised the issue of misbehavior with former Home Minister and Assembly member Nankiram Kanwar and said that he has been prevented from coming to the Assembly. The spirits of the miscreants are getting high. This whole matter should be taken seriously by the Chief Minister and the Home Minister. Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel said that the entire incident has been taken into consideration. There was some argument near Shankar Nagar Chowk, which has been complained. Action is being taken by the authorities on this. Be informed that former Home Minister Nankiram Kanwar was manhandled at Shankar Nagar Chowk. The young man in the car had threatened Nankiram Kanwar. Nankiram Kanwar has complained about the whole matter.