The beautiful Palash that blooms in Phalgun has many benefits, its flowers and seeds have a wealth of medicinal properties.

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Earlier people used to use different types of things for food to keep the body healthy and pure. One of these was the Palash tree. Its leaves have been in use since ancient times, but with the changing times, their use is also gradually ending. But do you know that Palash flowers and seeds have many medicinal properties, which are a panacea for many diseases. Many of its benefits have been described in Ayurveda, let us know how.

Use of Palash flowers for swelling

If there is swelling in the body due to any reason, Palash flowers can be used to get relief from it. Palash flower contains methanolic extract and anti-inflammatory properties are found in this extract. These can be helpful in reducing the swelling caused by the wound. At the same time, it contains elements called butane, iso-butyrin and iso-coropsin which can help in reducing swelling. For this, clean Palash flowers, grind them, make a paste and apply the paste on the swollen area. You will get relief from swelling.

Get relief from stomach ache

Stomach ache can be relieved with Palash flowers. Use of Palash seeds can help in providing relief from stomach related problems. To overcome stomach related disorders, Palash seeds can also be helpful in treating stomach worms.

You will get relief from fever

Fever can also occur if there is infection in the body due to some kind of virus or bacteria. The benefits of Palash flower can also be seen in getting relief from fever. However, more research is still needed regarding which quality of Palash works behind this.

Promote healthy skin

Anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties are found in Palash flowers, leaves and seeds. This helps in reducing skin inflammation, fighting infection and promoting health. Palash flowers, leaves and seeds are also effective in treating various skin problems like acne, eczema and psoriasis.

Increases immunity

Palash flowers, leaves and seeds are rich in Vitamin C and other nutrients, which can help in increasing immunity. Apart from this, they also help in strengthening the immune system and preventing various diseases.

boon for diabetes

Palash flowers are also considered very beneficial in problems like diabetes. In Ayurveda, many ways of consuming Palash flowers have been suggested for diabetes. It helps diabetic patients to fight this disease, because Palash flowers have the ability to control blood sugar. The juice of Palash flowers is also very beneficial. For this, soak clean Palash flowers in a cup of water overnight and then squeeze the flower water in a cup and drink it is beneficial.