Raipur: Minister Dr. Shiv Kumar Dahria performed Bhoomipujan of community building cum commercial complex in Telibandha

Raipur 8 January 2021. Urban Administration and Development and Labor Minister Dr. Shivkumar Dahriya performed bhumi pujan for construction of community building cum commercial complex near Telibandha Jaitkhamb under Shahid …

Raipur: Minister Dr. Shiv Kumar Dahria performed Bhoomipujan of community building cum commercial complex in Telibandha Read More

Raipur: Urban Administration and Development Minister Dr. Shiv Kumar Dahria inaugurated new ATM

Raipur 07 December 2020. Urban Administration and Development and Labor Minister Dr. Shivkumar Dahria inaugurated UCO Bank’s new ATM in Telibandha. During this, he said that the installation and operation …

Raipur: Urban Administration and Development Minister Dr. Shiv Kumar Dahria inaugurated new ATM Read More