Raipur: Minister Dr. Shiv Kumar Dahria performed Bhoomipujan of community building cum commercial complex in Telibandha

Raipur 8 January 2021. Urban Administration and Development and Labor Minister Dr. Shivkumar Dahriya performed bhumi pujan for construction of community building cum commercial complex near Telibandha Jaitkhamb under Shahid …

Raipur: Minister Dr. Shiv Kumar Dahria performed Bhoomipujan of community building cum commercial complex in Telibandha Read More

Mahasamund: Increase in the date of “One time settlement scheme”: Commercial vehicle owners can avail the benefits till 31 March 2021

Mahasamund 01 November 2020. Said district transport officer Chhattisgarh Motor Vehicles Taxation Act 1991 section 21 subsection ( 1) by bringing the state government to use the powers conferred by the ‘ one-time settlement ‘ ‘ section of the Act under the law 15 by …

Mahasamund: Increase in the date of “One time settlement scheme”: Commercial vehicle owners can avail the benefits till 31 March 2021 Read More