Surajpur: Krishi Vigyan Kendra Ajirma Reach Collector visited various produced crops

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Farmers benefited by producing advanced varieties of crops at low cost – Collector Ranvir Sharma

Surajpur 26 October 2020. Collector Mr. Ranbir Sharma and District Panchayat CEO Mr. Aakash Chhikara reached the Krishi Vigyan Kendra at Ajirama and produced a wide variety of crops such as paddy, gourd, chilli, sweet potato, okra, banana, beans, sugarcane. Visited mango and lychee plants and other crops including Collector Shri Ranveer Sharma inquired about the wide variety of crops spread over a wide area from senior agricultural scientist Dr. Ravindra Tigga. Agriculture scientist Dr. Tigga gave information about various varieties of crops produced in Krishi Vigyan Kendra and gave information about the process and methods of high quality produced crops.
Collector Shri Sharma, taking an overview and review of the crops spread over a wide area, informed that to get maximum income in low cost, the farmers should be aware of various crops using hi-tech methods so that farmers can produce more high quality crops in low cost. To earn maximum profit. He asked the agricultural scientists to motivate the farmers of the district to plant flowers and to provide training to the farmers for managing the efficiency to produce different types of crops from time to time.
The Collector also visited crop production, Bagwani crops, mushroom cultivation, poultry farming, fisheries, organic farming, earthworm manure production unit. He also asked the farmers to use innovative techniques in the production of sugarcane of high quality to motivate the farmers to put in their land so that they can get more income.
During this, Minister Representative Kumar Singh Dev, Joint Collector Mr. Shiv Kumar Banerjee, SDM Surajpur Mr. Pushpendra Sharma, Deputy Director Agriculture Mr. DC Kosle, Horticulture Officer, Senior Horticulturalist Dr. Ritu Rani Minj, Krishi Vigyan Kendra Officer and Rural Agriculture Extension Officer Abhishek Singh was present.