Raipur 6 February 2024. Supplementary budget passed: Know on which items Rs 13487 crore will be spent, Finance Minister said, we are continuously moving towards our commitment. Supplementary budget of Rs 13487 crore was passed in the House today. This was the first supplementary budget of OP Chaudhary as Finance Minister. Expressing happiness after the passing of the budget, OP Choudhary said that this is the biggest strength of democracy, that after leaving a small village, today I have reached this temple of democracy in the biggest house in the biggest panchayat of the state and am giving my first contribution. Presented the budget. The supplementary budget was passed unanimously. He said that this is for the supplementary budget for 2023.
The size of the supplementary budget is Rs 13487 crore. He said that the biggest work in this will be for Krishak Unnati Yojana. A provision of Rs 12000 crore has been made in this supplement for the farmers. This is a very beneficial step for the welfare of farmer brothers. Prime Minister Modi’s big ambitious scheme “Janman Yojana” under which a provision of Rs 200 crore has been made for the connectivity of our people, especially the backward tribes. A provision of Rs 195 crore has been made for National Rural Livelihood.
At the same time, budget provision has been made for Ayushman Bharat and Sakhi Center to solve various types of problems of mothers and sisters. Most importantly, after 500 years, Ramlala came out of the tent and was consecrated in the temple. Shri Ram is the nephew of Chhattisgarh, so the people of Chhattisgarh also want to visit Ayodhya Dham. It was also a promise under our guarantee that we will launch the Ayodhya Dham scheme for the darshan of Ram Lala. Provision for Shri Ramlala Darshan has also been made in the third supplement.
We are continuously moving forward towards our commitment. The government is a government of guarantee, the government is completely dedicated to the people. We will continue to work to fulfill our guarantee. Regarding the opposition’s boycott of the House, he said that in a democracy, discussion on public issues should get an official place. I would like to tell the opposition colleagues to participate in the discussion as much as possible. During question hour a topic was raised and he left. He was not present in the rest, from the point of view of the opposition, from the point of view of democracy, from the point of view of public welfare of Chhattisgarh, it is very important that the leaders of the opposition should participate more in the discussion.
Regarding the expenditure of more amount in Krishak Unnati Yojana, he said that now a provision of Rs 12000 crore has been made in the supplement. The main budget will come on 9th, after this you can make an overall assessment on what is the capital expenditure in APEX and various schemes in other schemes. Right now the financial formalities, which are our constitutional functions, have been brought in as a supplement to them. The expenses that will be spent in the main budget from the month of April will be presented in detail on 9th.