Sukma: Control room set up to control bird flu infection

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Dr. Jagat appointed district level nodal

Sukma , 20 January 2021. Bird flu has been confirmed in Chhattisgarh state. Bird flu has been confirmed in the samples of dead birds from Dantewada and Bastar district of Bastar division, which were sent to the state level disease investigation laboratory Raipur for examination. Keeping this in mind it is necessary to prevent bird flu infection. For which instructions have been issued to departmental officers and employees for bird flu disease control. Instructions have been given to keep a close watch on the transport of birds from the border state and immediately inform them about any disease or unusual symptoms in birds or accidental death of birds. District under government , private poultry sectors and poultry surveillance of commercial centers , providing related follow them to let the rules of biosafety ,Instructions have been given to establish coordination between Livestock Development , Health and Forest Department in the district and follow the sample size given in the guide lines in the Government of India to collect samples and submit them to District Veterinary Hospital Sukma at fortnightly intervals . Special monitoring has been given in the vet market , poultry market , chain supply area , duck rearing area and wild migratory birds area.

By coordinating with the Forest Department, the areas often visited by the migrant birds – National Reserve , Pokhar , Lake have been identified and special action plan for monitoring of poultry population near those areas is implemented and the people involved in the poultry business can get bird flu. Instructions have been given to provide information related to disease and prevention. To provide information related to backyard poultry and commercial poultry to all the people concerned about abnormal disease and death in birds, immediately to the nearest Veterinary Hospital institution, to keep necessary equipment chemicals and PPE kits ready to deal with disease conditions in the Guidelines of the Government of India and the district. Instructions have been given to inform and follow all the rules of bio-safety in government and private poultry business centers etc.

Dr. Sumer Singh Jagat has been appointed as the district level nodal for the control of bird flu disease. Dr. Zaheeruddin , Deputy Director Veterinary Services informed that if bird flu is suspected, inform the higher authorities immediately. Form restrict the movement of birds and staff on campus Murgio and other pet birds and reduce the direct and indirect contact between wild birds , to separate the birds or flocks. For the prevention of bird flu in the district, inform the District Nodal Officer Dr. Sumer Singh Jagat in the control room whose helpline mobile number 9630908273is. Any type of information regarding bird flu can be given through the above number. Fowl farmers have been advised not to transport poultry and other domesticated birds from other districts and outside the state and departmental officer-staff duty has been imposed on all check posts. Vigilance is essential to prevent the spread of bird flu disease. Transport of birds from the border areas is being closely monitored by departmental staff and regular staff duty has been imposed. All the chicken shops in the district are being sanitized as a precaution according to the instructions given by the Collector under the guidance of Dr. Zaheeruddin. So that compression can be avoided. Poultrymen were given necessary information after taking a meeting to take precautions against bird flu.