Raipur. Chhattisgarh’s Finance and Planning Minister OP Choudhary has sought suggestions from public representatives and common people for ‘Amritkaal: Chhattisgarh Vision @2047’ to realize the vision of developed Chhattisgarh on the lines of developed India. He has written a letter to all the ministers and MLAs and requested them to give suggestions for preparing the vision document. Suggestions have been sought till June 30. Suggestions can be given in writing or through the web portal More Sapna-More Vikasit ChhattiIt is noteworthy that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has envisioned making the country a developed nation by the year 2047. To realize this vision, it was announced in the budget session of Chhattisgarh Legislative Assembly 2024 that on the State Foundation Day, November 1, 2024, the vision document of the state ‘Amritkaal: Chhattisgarh Vision @ 2047’ will be released and dedicated to the people of the state.