Gwalior. Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia has launched a scathing attack on the objectionable statement made by Chhattisgarh Congress leader Charan Das Mahant about Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He said that one should not have any expectations from people who do not have civilization, who do not have politeness, who do not have moral standards.
Scindia, who reached Gwalior on a short stay to inaugurate the Lok Sabha election office of the BJP candidate, said that what indecent comments did not many leaders of South India make about PM Modi? Today leaders of Chhattisgarh are speaking. Earlier, Surjewala made such indecent remarks about Hema Malini. He spoke so rudely about Kangana. Scindia said that these people can neither respect the Prime Minister holding the highest position in the country, nor can they respect mother power, nor can they respect any society. Scindia further said that if Congress people have to bury someone to get the chair, they are ready for this also.
What did Scindia say when Congress candidate was not declared?
On the question regarding Congress not yet declaring candidates in Gwalior and Morena, Scindia said that this is their problem. We have even declared the candidate and he is also running. Now if Congress does not declare then you should not ask Raja Saheb but Kamal Nath. You should find out from all the powerful leaders of Congress who were giving big statements even during the assembly elections.