Santhara for approval was held at the residence of Sadhika Shanti Devi Baid, who has taken a lifelong fast. Muni Sudhakar explained the difference between Santhara and suicide.

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Raipur. Santhara Sadhika Shanti Devi Ji Baid, resident of Shantinath Nagar at Tatibandh in the capital Raipur, has taken a lifelong fast, that is, she has given up food and water as long as she is alive. In view of this, a special event of “Santhara Anupramandar” was organized today at her residence in the presence of Munishri Sudhakar Ji, a disciple of Acharya

Munishri Sudhakar while giving information said that today we have come to Tatibandh after leaving Tagore Nagar Patwa Bhawan. Shanti Devi Baid has accepted Santhara. Fasting is a special practice of Jain society. The fasting in which a person feels that the soul is different from the body, he considers the soul to be different and the body to be different. After a certain stage or due to a long illness or with very true feelings and a little before renunciation, a person accepts this fasting for self-welfare.

Muni Sudhakar told the difference between Santhara and suicide

Explaining the importance of Santhara, Munishri Sudhakar said that there is a difference between Santhara and suicide. Many times it is a mistake to consider Santhara and suicide as one, but it is not so. Suicide happens in a fit of rage and impulse, whereas Santhara happens when the feeling of renunciation of attachment towards the world awakens in the mind, there is no desire of any kind in the mind, no longing of any kind, no attachment, no hatred, there is only the feeling that the body is different and the soul is different. When a Jain Shravak realizes that this body is not worth nourishing. He feels that the body should be paved on the path of spirituality, on the path of religion, on the path of renunciation and detachment, then the fasting vow is accepted. In which the Shravak renounces food and water for life.

Munishri told that Shanti Devi Baid has given up other water 9 days ago. The special thing is that Sadhana does not end in a day. This Sadhana starts before the Sadhana which is called Sanlekhana, which is done before Santhare. Shanti Devi ji has been doing alternate tapa for 31 years continuously. That means eating one day and not eating the next day, this she has been doing continuously for 31 years, not just one or two years. Along with this she has been doing Chauvihaar at night for about 50 years. After sunset she does not put even a drop of water or a grain of food in her mouth.

Munishri said that Shanti Devi Baid has done many types of sadhanas and tapasya in her life and by doing sadhana and tapasya for years continuously, today she has reached the peak state. Her body seems as if it is made up of only a skeleton of bones. I have discussed with her, her thoughts are so pure and clean as if she has taken the power that she deserves in life. She has only one desire that she should sacrifice her soul. With the blessings of Acharya Shri Mahashraman, she had accepted the fast nine days ago, the constant awareness that she has, as soon as she is told or said something about Gurudev, she feels as if some sleeping power wakes up. I have come here today to approve this Santhara Sadhana of Shanti Devi Baid.


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