Rural women, income of 36 lakhs from the schemes of the government, their dreams got wings, coming out of the four walls of the house, fulfilling their desires,

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Raipur. Cow dung is changing the lives of people in Chhattisgarh. Along with vermi compost from cow dung, paint and electricity are also being prepared. In the villages, a member of the women’s group is buying a two-wheeler, while many have also bought jewelry. Somebody has repaid the loan for the marriage of his family member. All these women belong to poor families. Who had never stepped outside the four walls. Seeing the self-confidence and eagerness to work in such groups, the Government of Chhattisgarh is encouraging products made from cow dung. In the year 2020, the women of Manendragarh urban area started the work of preparing vermicompost by joining Gothans. The Swachh Manendragarh area level association formed by these women has prepared and sold vermicompost worth one crore rupees in the last three years. This figure may be shocking for the people outside the state, but there is nothing new in Chhattisgarh. Here a large number of women are getting good income by preparing vermicompost from cow dung by joining Gothans. Vermicompost prepared by women is being sold through cooperatives. Swachh Manendragarh Area Level Association started the work of cow dung procurement in urban Gauthan in the year 2020 with the launch of Godhan Nyaya Yojana. So far, 33 thousand 195 quintal cow dung has been purchased from here, from which 10 thousand 809 quintal vermi compost has been made and 10 thousand 32 quintal vermi has been sold. This earned him an income of more than Rs 1 crore. Mahila Sangh has received a dividend of more than Rs 36 lakh in the last three years so far. They were being given about 6 thousand rupees a month for door to door garbage collection. Now he is also getting additional income from the dividend from the sale of Vermi Compost. The members of the women’s group are excited about the increase in their income. Preeti Toppo, president of the Swachh Manendragarh Area Level Association, says that she had taken some loan for her sister’s wedding from the dividend she got, she got rid of this money, the children come to school- Took a cycle to go and also took a TV for home. Sangh member Savita Das says that when the Godhan Nyaya Yojana started, they started the work of vermicompost construction by joining as a group in Gauthan of the city. As we got profit from production and sale, people’s attitude towards us started changing. This scheme has given us a means of self-employment and I have bought a two wheeler with the profit I got from the sale of vermicompost. Production of 27 lakh quintals of vermicompost

In the state, more than 1.25 lakh women of 11 thousand 477 women’s groups are involved in preparing vermicompost in Gothans. More than 27 lakh quintal vermi compost has been prepared by them. Vermicompost worth Rs 198 crore has been sold by women groups. This is the reason why there was no shortage of fertilizers in Chhattisgarh in the last three years. Vermicompost was extensively used by the farmers. The proof of the success of the efforts of the state government is that this year there has been a bumper production of paddy in Chhattisgarh and 107 lakh metric tonnes of paddy has been procured in the state at the support price.