Ruckus in BJP: Struggle in welcoming central leaders,

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The election atmosphere has heated up and so has the ruckus of factionalism within the Bharatiya Janata Party. In fact, central leaders are continuously coming to Chhattisgarh. It is the responsibility of some leaders to welcome them. Now a tussle has started regarding this, without informing those who have the responsibility of welcoming the leaders, some leaders themselves are coming to welcome them and getting their pictures clicked.

A complaint regarding this matter has reached Bharatiya Janata Party’s Organization General Secretary Pawan Sai. The leaders of the welcome committee itself have made this complaint. In this matter, the maximum resentment has come against the key official of the BJP office.

In their complaint to SAI, the leaders have said that information about the arrival of big leaders is not given on time, they are not told which leader is coming, suddenly they are told some time in advance to go to the airport. One has to go to welcome big leaders without any preparation. Leaders of the welcome committee were among those who complained.

According to party sources, this has been happening for the last several days. Because of this, there is resentment among other leaders of the organization regarding the leaders of the state office and the tussle between the two groups regarding welcoming the big leaders is increasing. However, after the complaint came to light, Organization General Secretary Pawan Sai has given strict instructions that this should not happen in future.