Raipur. Public Instruction Director Divya Umesh Mishra has started a series of division-wise meetings for improvements in the schools of the state from the next academic session. In which till now she has taken meetings of Raipur, Durg and Bilaspur divisions. The remaining Surguja and Bastar division meetings will be held next week. In the meeting held at Indravati Bhawan located in Nava Raipur, he gave necessary instructions to the divisional joint directors of the Directorate of Public Instruction and the District Education Officers.
During the meeting, Public Instruction Director Divya Umesh Mishra instructed every education officer to prepare a road map of the district for the upcoming education session. Apart from this, he told that the work of entry in the portal of Mid Day Meal Scheme will be done on war footing, the number of kitchen gardens will be increased and a complex will be identified from Kindergarten to Higher Secondary and will be developed in a planned manner.
The blame will fall on the careless DEO
He further said that dilapidated schools will be identified and necessary repair work will be done before the start of the session. Full care will be taken to ensure that children do not face any kind of problem. He also warned the education officers of taking strict action against slow progress of departmental schemes and negligence.