Rajnandgaon: Mrs. Pushpa Sinha’s fate changed from the store of light, mike and decoration: got encouragement from the Bihan of State Rural Livelihoods Mission

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Rajnandgaon 28 December 2020. Mrs. Pushpa Sinha’s fate changed from the shop of Light, Mike and Decoration. Smt Pushpa Sinha of village Arjakund of Churia development block strengthened her economic position by joining Bihan under the State Rural Livelihood Mission.
Mrs. Pushpa Sinha said that her family’s financial condition was weak before mother Santoshi joined the Self Help Group. After joining Bihaan group, his life changed. It took courage and courage to raise the means of livelihood for his family. Smt Pushpa Sinha started a small shop for Light Mike and Decoration with the idea of ​​doing her own business. Gradually, through loan and bank linkage from the group, it increased its light shop and decoration shop by taking 1 lakh 50 thousand rupees. Presently, his family is getting income of about 4 thousand rupees per month from Light Mike Decoration. So that she is able to run her family properly. According to Smt Pushpa Sinha, after joining Bihaan there was a lot of improvement and change in her economic condition and she became self-sufficient. They told that they want to build a good house in future and want to buy land.