Rajnandgaon: Fertilizers and seeds available in sufficient quantity in cooperatives

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Rajnandgaon 16 May 2022. Fertilizers and seeds are available in sufficient quantity in cooperative societies in the district. Collector Taran Prakash Sinha has appealed to the farmers to take advance lifting of fertilizers and seeds. So that fertilizers and seeds can be made available to the farmers before the rains. This year the department has got the target for distribution of 53080 quintal seeds for Kharif 2022 in the district through cooperative sector. Last year, 22429 quintals of seeds were distributed in the district through cooperative sector. Keeping this in mind, so far 11127 quintal seeds have been stored in the committees of the district. Also, at present 14735 quintals of seeds are left for storage in the Seed Corporation. In which 11127 quintals of paddy seed, 2000 quintals of soybean, and 440 quintals of tur seed are available in the corporation.
Similarly, the target of distribution of 65000 metric tonnes of fertilizers for Kharif 2022 has been achieved in the district. Against which so far 23741 metric tonnes of fertilizers are available in the committees of the district and 7594 metric tonnes of fertilizers are available in double lock centers. Out of which 17014 metric tonnes of urea, DAP 2115 metric tonnes, SSP 3800 metric tonnes, potash 810 metric tonnes have been stored in various societies for the upliftment of farmers.
Deputy Director Agriculture Shri GS Dhurve informed that the price rate of fertilizers has been fixed by the government this year. Urea Rs 266.50 per bag, DAP Rs 1350 per bag, NPK (12:32:16) Rs 1470 per bag, Potash Rs 1700 per bag, SSP powder Rs 375 per bag, SSP Granular Rs 406 per bag and Zincated per bag 391. is Rs.
This year, crop wise recommendation of other fertilizers in place of DAP for Kharif crops has also been issued for the convenience of the farmers. According to which the recommended nutrients for paddy and maize crops NPK-40:24:16 (Nitrogen 40, Phosphorus 24, Potash 16) can be used as fertilizer and quantity to supply kg per acre.
Urea – one bag (50 kg), NPK (20:20:0:13), two bags (100 kg) and potash (27 kg) or Urea (65 kg) and NPK (12:32:16), two bags (100 kg) and single super phosphate (50 kg) or urea two bags (100 kg), single super phosphate – three bags (150 kg) and potash – 27 kg can be used. Also, use vermi compost at the rate of at least 1 quintal per acre.
The recommended nutrient for Kharif pulse crops is NPK 8:20:8 (Nitrogen 8, Phosphorus 20, Potash 8) fertilizer and quantity can be used to supply kg per acre. Urea – 18 kg, Potash 14 kg and Single Super Phosphate 2.5 bags (125 kg) or Urea 5 kg, NPK (12:32:16) – 1 bag (50 kg) Potash – 14 kg, Single Super Phosphate 25 kg as well Use vermi compost at the rate of at least 1 quintal per acre.