Rajnandgaon: Employment and halt migration to villagers due to pond deepening work under MGNREGA in village Bhakurra: Water conservation provides relief and irrigation facilities

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Rajnandgaon 28 December 2020.  The pond deepening work at village Bhakurra under MNREGA in village Bhakurra of Churia development block not only provided employment to the local villagers and halted migration, but also benefited the villagers with water conservation work. Deepening of the 110 meter length 95 meter width pond was done at a cost of 9 lakh 96 thousand rupees. Due to MNREGA employment, the people of the village did not have to wander to the cities in search of employment. Due to pond deepening work, the pond was cleaned and water is able to be filled in large quantity in the pond. The water remains filled in the pond even during the summer days, which solved the problem of water during summer. The water of the pond is being used for drainage and irrigation. Due to which the villagers benefited greatly. By deepening the pond, the surrounding ground water level increased and the surrounding fields retain moisture, Due to which crop also increased. The pond is also being used for irrigation. Due to which farmers are getting water available for irrigation on time.