Raipur10 October2021.Raipur yoga Commission by conducting regular free yoga program for under today Sunday to Raipur Rural MLA Shri Satyanarayana Sharma said Raipur Municipal Corporation of Ward No. -04 ( Ytiytn Red Ward ) and Ward No. -05 ( Bnjarimata ward ) of residents of for Kashiram government to highest secondary School Bnpuri in regular yoga center ‘s launch made. Program to start in the school ‘s children ‘s yoga of performance are at the reception did.
Chhattisgarh yoga Commission ‘s president Mr Gyanesh Sharma ji has Yogabyasi children the sum of the per -awareness bring to your family ‘s logo to inspire to the request made and possible economic assistance getting the thing made and the sum of propaganda – spread for soon the committee the formation of Announced . The program ‘s main guest MLA Shri Satyanarayana Sharma ji has yoga to children with inspiration to take the appeal of , and school drug trafficking in the practice of yoga to the room to make the to five million rupees MLA fund to give the announcement of. In addition to the natural education of the sum of Add to promotion to the requested sum commission from the. Program in the ward number 05 of the councilors Mr. nagabhusana Rao and ward number 04 of the councilor Mrs tesu Kishore Sahu , the school ‘s principal readers and yoga instructor , Mr. C . L . Sonavani , senior yogabhyasi Mr S .D . Indian , Sri lacchurama Nishad , Mr. chabirama Smith , Student , the Commission ‘s staff , including the large number of citizens attended the.