Raipur: Work towards preserving medicinal herbs by identifying local doctors: Dr. Nand Kumar Sai

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By 2020, 380 registered micro, small scale industries in which investment amount is 36 crore 66 lakh 69 thousand and 1833 people are employed in the industries. From April 1, 2020 to April 28, 2023, 21 industrial production certificates have been received, in which 18 crore 39 lakh 20 thousand capital investment and 196 persons have got employment. In these registered industries mainly Haller and Flour Mill, Rice Mill, Fabrication, Brick Manufacturing, Utensil Manufacturing, Oil and Flour Mill, Fly Ash Bricks, Aluminum Product, RCC Pole, Herbal Product, Phenyl etc units are operating. Along with this, under the new Industrial Policy 2019-2024, 301 proposed new units in the district have achieved enterprise aspiration, in which capital investment of Rs 85 crore 94 lakh 62 thousand and employment for 1234 people is proposed.