Raipur : Women of Ghothiya village in Khairagarh development block are paving the way for economic empowerment

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Women’s self-help group earns Rs. 5 lakh through Vermicompost and earthworm production

Beneficiaries under the Godhan NYAY Yojana have been paid Rs. 538 crore 89 lakh so far

Raipur, 9 June 2023, A total amount of Rs. 538 crore 89 lakh has been paid so far to beneficiaries of Godhan NYAY Yojana, including cow dung sellers, Gauthan committees, and self-help groups. The amount includes Rs. 237.28 crore paid to cow dung sellers and Rs. 223.60 crore paid to self-help groups and Gauthan committees since the inception of the scheme.With the implementation of the Godhan NYAY Yojana, avenues of new employment opportunities are unfolding in the newly formed district of Khairagarh-Chhuikhadan-Gandai. People are striding towards economic empowerment through livelihood-oriented activities like the sale of cow dung in Gauthans, Vermicompost production, cattle rearing, and women’s self-help groups under the Godhan NYAY Yojana.
Women are becoming self-reliant and financially independent through self-help groups operating in Gauthans. Production and sale of Vermicompost are emerging as prominent means of earning additional income for farmers veering towards organic farming and women’s self-help groups.The Padma Jai Bhawani Self-help Group of Ghothiya Gauthan in the district’s Khairagarh development block, by making good use of this opportunity, has earned Rs. 4 lakh by selling 400 quintals of manure to farmers and Rs. 1 lakh by providing earthworms to Gauthan for the production of Vermicompost.   According to Mrs. Deepa Bai Sahu, the President of the group, the training and technical guidance provided by the government to the members of the women’s self-help group have made them proficient in this work. It has empowered them economically, and they are contributing to their children’s education and the financial needs of their families through the earned dividend.