Raipur: When the woman smiles, the earth smiles as well: State level seminar on the topic of women education

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Raipur 8 March 2021.  A state level seminar was organized in the State Literacy Mission Authority today on the occasion of International Women’s Day on the subject of women education and development. The keynote speaker of the program, Dr. Manisha Watts said that women education, Vikas Garhi is not only a word but also a truth. He said that earlier the woman was strong, even today she is strong and in the future the woman will remain strong. There is also a female pilot, has reached space. Today she is making valuable contributions both at home and abroad. In education itself, the attitude of thinking, understanding changes in women, which positive changes in themselves and changes the society towards a new direction and light. He further threaded the various aspects of the woman through a poem. My small dream, I have seen one, what a small dream will be fulfilled, mother’s relationship should not be alien … When the woman smiles, even the earth She smiles.
Special speaker Dr. Meenakshi Bajpai said that education has given women a positive status in the society. Women participate in social programs with enthusiasm and dedication, which is the result of social change. Assistant Professor Prof. Dhara Yadav made his speech through poetry while dedicating the program to Mother. Quoting the woman in the poem, she said that because of the dryness of your lips, who has covered so many things, Balo is not appreciated by you, yet you feel amazing…. A sweet smile on dry lips is the life of your lips.
Giving an example from the authority’s Assistant Director, Shri Prashant Kumar Pandey, from Padma Shri Phoolbasan Bai, Teejan Bai, Ritu Verma to Kamala Heris of America, said that in every field, women have now waved their glory. There is still a need for greater sensitivity in respect for women in the society. Assistant Director Mr. Dinesh Tank performed Ghazal.
On this occasion, Ms. Neha Shukla spoke about the woman being the friend and friend of the woman. Shrimati Krishna Gaur is the dharni in the earth, I am the follower, the creation of the world, in me, I am the embodiment of power, through the poem, I explained the usefulness of the woman. Mrs. Kavita Likhaar also told her point through poetry. She said, I am a star in Amber, I am a lover of air, I am a vision of heaven.
The program was conducted by Smt. Nidhi Agarwal, Ms. Neha Shukla, Krishna Gaur, Kavita Likhar and Sunil Roy, in an interesting manner on the occasion, on the occasion of Women’s Day.