Raipur: Vegetable production brought prosperity to Ajman’s life

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Raipur, 9 December 2020. The implementation of the multi-functional Narva, Garwa, Ghurwa and Bari development schemes of the Government of Chhattisgarh has started to appear on the ground level and farmers are getting good benefits. One of these is the Badi Vikas Yojana, it is proving to be a better income for many farmers of the state. During the lockdown in Corona crisis, farmer Mr. Ajman Yadav of Bharmbandh village of Dantewada district has earned nearly one lakh rupees by selling vegetables. He is an ordinary farmer and even in this crisis, his family of 6 members is making a better living.
Impressed by the Badi Development Scheme of the Government of Chhattisgarh, Mr. Ajman’s trend towards horticulture crop increased and after contacting the horticulture department, he expressed his desire to produce horticulture crop in an advanced manner. With the advice of the staff of the department, micro-irrigation scheme has been producing vegetables of tomato, ladyfinger, barbati, bitter gourd, etc. for the last two years by making more income at less cost than the advanced technology of forest-drop, more-cropping and mulching. There has been an income of 80 thousand rupees. Earlier, farmer Mr. Ajman Yadav used to cultivate only paddy crop in the traditional way. For the last two years, he started planting vegetables in limited land near his house, from which he used to get an income of 30 to 40 thousand. Now they are getting good income by producing greens and vegetables by adopting advanced technology. Mr. Ajman Yadav said that this year, 2 acres of land has barbatti, The crops of bitter gourd and cucumber are cultivated with drip and irrigation method. Ajman is very happy after adopting horticulture crop, and now he does not have to go elsewhere in search of work.