Raipur: Turnip is helpful in preventing cold, cough, fever

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Turnip is a storehouse of vitamin-C, vitamin-K, beta-carotene and potassium.

Raipur. 12 August 2022

Rich in nutritional properties, turnip is a healthy root vegetable. Turnip is considered very beneficial for health. Turnip is helpful in protecting against seasonal diseases like cold, cough, fever. It is considered a mine of medicinal properties. Turnip is one such tuber (vegetable) which is consumed to overcome the deficiency of many nutrients in the body. Nutrients like vitamin-C, vitamin-K, beta-carotene and potassium are found in turnips, which can help protect the body from many health problems. Turnips can be used in diet in the form of juices and salads. Immunity can be strengthened by consuming turnips. Anti-oxidant properties are found in turnip, which is considered good for health as well as skin.

Dr. Sanjay Shukla, co-professor of Government Ayurvedic College, Raipur told that turnip is used as medicine in Ayurveda. Turnip is sweet, slightly hot, small and removes Vata, Pitta and Kapha. It increases interest in food, is beneficial in stomach related problems and fever. Its roots and leaves are known to increase pitta and get rid of worms. Turnip is beneficial in respiratory problems, cough, urticaria or stones, urticaria or piles, anorexia and post-pregnancy bleeding. By eating turnip, there is no shortage of blood in the body because iron is abundant in it, due to which the patients of anemia get benefit.

There are many benefits of consuming turnips. It removes lethargy and heaviness of the body. It is useful for eyes and removes stomach related diseases. It is very beneficial for the muscles and bones of the body. Its use brings glow on the face. The nails of the hands and feet are strong. It is also very beneficial for hair. Its use improves digestion and is also beneficial for urinary diseases. Gonorrhea removes the obstruction of urine in the diseases of the heart. The use of turnip is beneficial in case of swelling in the throat and heavy voice.

The root and leaves of turnip are used as a salad and as a vegetable. Its leaves are like radish leaves. Its flowers are yellow in colour. Its root is Aquarius, round, white and with light purple and pink aura. There are many medicinal properties of turnip, but for the treatment of diseases, use turnip only according to medical advice.