Raipur: Toy Museum for school children

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Chairman of Textbook Corporation, Shailesh Nitin Trivedi inaugurated the event in Pausari.

Raipur, 11 September 2023

According to the new education policy, many innovative initiatives are being taken in the schools of Chhattisgarh for the physical and mental development of children along with education. Under one such innovative initiative, a unique toy museum has been prepared in village Pausari of Balodabazar district. Textbook Corporation Chairman Shailesh Nitin Trivedi inaugurated this unique toy museum. Best wishes to teachers and children.   
    Government primary school teacher Bharti Verma, along with teaching, has taken innovative initiatives and established a sports toy museum in her school. All the toys kept in this toy museum have been made from wood, clay, paper, cardboard and unused household items. Toys are not only for playing but also help children understand the text of their book. The special thing is that all the toys have been prepared by the teacher and the children together at different times by organizing a toy making workshop in the school itself. An initiative has been taken to collect and preserve the traditional and local games and toys of Chhattisgarh in the museum. 
established with community support 
    Teacher Bharti Verma said that the thought came to her mind that why not collect all the traditional and local sports toys of Chhattisgarh under one roof and make the children aware of them so that the children can know them and understand the importance of sports. Inspired by the head teacher of the school, Pushpalata Nayak, I started collecting old toys by going door-to-door on the lines of the local festival Chherchhera. Information about local and popular games was also collected from the elders, which today’s children do not play or are no longer in vogue in the mobile era. 
In line with the new national education 
    In the new National Education 2020, a provision has been made to promote game-based learning so that children can learn and understand the concepts of the lesson in a joyful manner through games. Toys not only entertain children but also develop their physical, mental, social and community spirit. As per the instructions of NCERT, a magic box has also been constructed in the school, which is used to teach the children of class 1 and 2.

Why Sports Toy Museum 

    Under the new education policy, Anganwadi center is being developed in the school premises for better education of children aged 5 to 6 years. Here, with the theme ‘Jabo Balwadi Badhabo Shiksha Ke Gaadi’, children’s learning and understanding abilities will be developed through games and games. Keeping these objectives in mind, a museum has been established for the mental and educational development of children.