Raipur: There has been an increase of 5 times in getting evaluation done by NAAC by colleges in Chhattisgarh: Higher Education Minister Shri Patel took review meeting of NAAC

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Raipur, 30 July 2021. There has been an increase of five times in the evaluation of colleges in Chhattisgarh by NAAC, which is an important step in the field of quality upgradation of higher education in the state. This information was given in the review meeting of NAAC held under the chairmanship of Higher Education Minister Shri Umesh Patel on 30th July today.
It was informed in the meeting that following the instructions given by the Higher Education Minister Shri Patel during the review of NAAC in February last month, the Higher Education Department is planning to organize continuous workshops on the virtual platform and physically to organize workshops at the divisional and district level. As a result, in the month of July, 78 government colleges conducted IIQA. And 30 government colleges have given S.S.R. It has been deposited in the portal of NAAC, which is a remarkable achievement in the difficult situation and time of Corona crisis. Higher Education Minister Shri Patel congratulated the entire team for the progress in the meeting. It is worth mentioning that in the month of February, out of 170 government colleges qualified for evaluation by NAAC of the state, IIQA was conducted by 16 colleges. and SSR by 07 colleges. was deposited in NAAC.
In the meeting of Vice Chancellors, Registrars, Divisional Additional Directors and Principals of leading colleges, it was directed by Higher Education Minister Shri Patel in February last month to conduct evaluation and accreditation of colleges from NAAC on mission mode. In this, by preparing an action plan for evaluation, universities were asked to play a leading role and get all the colleges of the state evaluated and accredited by NAAC by the year 2022. He emphasized on making everyone efficient by organizing seminars, training etc. in the meeting. Emphasizing on intensive monitoring and monitoring, the Higher Education Minister Shri Umesh Patel directed to constitute a three-tier team at the Directorate, University and District level.
It was informed in the meeting that Surguja and Bilaspur divisions have performed better in the evaluation of government colleges by NAAC. IIQA through 30 out of 33 qualified government colleges of Surguja division. and IIQA by 26 colleges from 45 qualified government colleges of Bilaspur. has been deposited in NAAC. Instructions were given by the department to follow the working of both the above divisions in other divisions of the state. Describing the importance of getting evaluation done from NAAC, the Higher Education Minister said that evaluation from NAAC is the measure of better thinking and better quality in higher education. He also asked all the remaining colleges to ensure speedy evaluation from NAAC.
The National Assessment and Accreditation Council has been constituted by the University Grants Commission in 1994 to assess the quality of higher education institutions. Which is known as NAAC, which is an autonomous organization. Its headquarter is located in Bangalore. In the inspection team constituted by NAAC, the Vice Chancellor, Professor and Principal of the college are nominated as members, which evaluate the higher educational institutions on the basis of 7 criteria set by NAAC. By being evaluated by NAAC, higher educational institutions get an opportunity to know their potential, shortcomings, opportunities and challenges, criteria have been prepared by keeping the student at the center in the whole process of evaluation from NAAC.