Raipur: The work done by the Christian society for education, health and service to humanity is commendable: Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel

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Chief Minister participates in the golden jubilee celebrations of Raipur Archdiocese

    Raipur, 08 February 2023

The Chief Minister will attend the Golden Jubilee celebrations of the Raipur Arch Diocese here.

The Chief Minister will attend the Golden Jubilee celebrations of the Raipur Arch Diocese here.

Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel inaugurated the Golden Jubilee celebrations by lighting the lamp

Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel inaugurated the Golden Jubilee celebrations by lighting the lamp

The Chief Minister will attend the Golden Jubilee celebrations of the Raipur Arch Diocese here.

Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel inaugurated the Golden Jubilee celebrations by lighting the lamp

Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel attended the golden jubilee celebrations of Raipur Archdiocese at Catholic Church located in Amlidih, Raipur today. Addressing the ceremony, the Chief Minister said that the work done by the Christian society in the field of education, health and service to humanity is commendable and has no match. When there was a lack of educational institutions, the Christian community opened schools and hostels. Promoted education in rural and forest areas. The Christian society also took the works of service in the field of education and health to such places where it was difficult for the people to reach. 
    Mr. Baghel said that even during the global pandemic Corona, the Christian community served humanity with alacrity. When people used to hesitate even to touch leprosy victims, then this society worked for leprosy patients. For the treatment of leprosy victims, the Christian society opened hospitals and dispensaries at many places including Abhanpur, Baitalpur. 
    The Chief Minister said that the Christian community has an old relation with Chhattisgarh. This community is carrying forward the teachings of mercy, compassion, service, forgiveness, love, sacrifice of Lord Jesus and Saint Mother Mary. The Chief Minister extended a hearty welcome to the Cardinals, Arch, Bishops, Gan Fathers, Sisters and people of the society present at the Golden Jubilee celebrations including Mr. Leopoldo Girelli, Vatican Ambassador to India and Nepal specially present on the occasion. Congratulations and best wishes for the golden jubilee celebrations.
    Before this, the guests including Vatican Ambassador Mr. Leopoldo Girelli and Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel inaugurated the ceremony by lighting the lamp. The Chief Minister also released a souvenir published on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee celebrations.
    The Ambassador of the Vatican, Mr. Leopoldo Girelli, extended greetings and best wishes to Pope Francis and on his behalf to all the people on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee celebrations of the Raipur Archdiocese. On this occasion, mentioning the rich and glorious culture of Chhattisgarh, tribal culture, folk music, folk art and the characteristics of Chhattisgarh, he mentioned the work done by the Chhattisgarh Christian Educational Society in the field of education and in the field of health and service by the Christian community. mentioned. He told that the Raipur Archdiocese was established on 5 July 1973. 
    MLA Mr. Satyanarayan Sharma said that this community has been serving the society with the spirit of compassion, kindness, affection and benevolence. Education and public health have always been their objectives. The General Secretary of the Catholic Bishops’ Council of India, Mr. Anil Kuto and Cardinal of Hyderabad, Mr. Anthony Pulla also addressed the event. The welcome speech was given by the Archbishop of Chhattisgarh Mr. Victor Henry Thakur. 
    Raipur Mayor Mr. Ejaz Dhebar, Chairman Mr. Pramod Dubey, District Cooperative Central Bank Chairman Mr. Pankaj Sharma, Cardinal Mr. Anthony Pulla of Hyderabad, Archbishop of Delhi Mr. Anil Kuto, Archbishop of Bhopal Mr. AAS at Golden Jubilee Celebrations of Raipur Archdiocese Durairaj ji, Archbishop of Kolkata Mr. Thomas D’Souza, Archbishop of Agra Mr. Rafi Manjili, Archbishop of Patna Mr. Sebastian Kallapura and Archbishop of Nagpur Mr. Elias Gonsalves, Former Archbishop of Chhattisgarh Mr. Joseph Augustin, Former Bishop of Chhattisgarh Diocese CNI Mr. Robert Ali, Vicar General of Raipur Father Mr. Sebastian P., Secretary and Spokesman of Diocese’s Stewardship Committee Mr. John Rajesh Paul and representatives of many social service organizations of the capital including Sarva Aastha Manch were present.