Raipur: The sooner people get easily accessible justice, the stronger is democracy – Chief Minister Shri Sai

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Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Dev Sai discussed with BALLB students in the Assembly,
said to work to provide justice to the people

Earlier there was the Indian Penal Code, now there is the Justice Code, the implications of the word justice are deep, during the discussion the Chief Minister also discussed about the progress being made in the field of judiciary in the country
Raipur, 13 February 2024

Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Dev Sai

The youth, who will assume the responsibility of an important pillar of democracy in the future, met Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Dev Sai in the Assembly today. Young Pandit Ravi Shankar Shukla was a BALLB student of the university. In a discussion with the youth, the Chief Minister said that the sooner people get easily accessible justice, the stronger the democracy becomes. He said that even after independence, old laws were not changed for years, some of which were unnecessary and were kept for imperialist purposes. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi replaced the Indian Penal Code with the Indian Judicial Code. Justice is a broader word than punishment and has a deeper meaning.
The Chief Minister told the youth that you people are going to the judiciary. The judiciary ensures compliance with the laws that are made in the Assembly. Today you people watched the assembly proceedings closely. You must have realized how closely every issue is discussed here. Democracy remains strong only by the strength of the pillars on which it rests. The Chief Minister said that the young generation has to play a strong role in building Developed India 2047 and Developed Chhattisgarh 2047. Youth can choose their own path. Wherever you go, work with utmost honesty and strengthen your expertise in that field.
During this, the youth also presented their curiosity before the Chief Minister. Satyam Kushwaha asked the Chief Minister about his long parliamentary experience. The Chief Minister said that he has served as a member of the Legislative Assembly and Lok Sabha for a long time. The best thing during this period was to see closely the strength of Indian democracy. Members express their opinion on every issue here. If there is any problem in any corner of the country or state, its echo is heard in the Parliament or Assembly. Continuous work is done here on issues of public interest. The Chief Minister said that during the proceedings of the Assembly today, you must have seen how the members are presenting their issues.
Chief Minister Shri Sai also shared his experiences during the tenure of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in his parliamentary experience. He told that during the tenure of Prime Minister Shri Modi, I saw how under the leadership of the Prime Minister, India’s identity became known in the whole world. He worked to strengthen the domestic economy through his meaningful foreign policy and reforms. The result was that the whole world is looking towards India today.
Aditi Verma asked the Chief Minister how he would ensure employment for the youth despite the increasing population. The Chief Minister said that after skill development, a large number of employment opportunities are created. We are working in this direction. Modi ji is working towards providing employment to a large number of youth across the country through employment fairs and due to this, a large number of youth have got employment in Chhattisgarh also.  
The Chief Minister told the youth studying law that you will work for the judiciary. The work of providing justice to people is a very meaningful work. The more efficiently you work, the more easily justice will be available to the people. During this time, the students also saw the proceedings of the assembly session and also became aware of the role of the opposition and other processes.
BA LLB students Satyam Kushwaha, Aditi Verma, Kanak Sahu, Panchal Awasthi, Rohan Sahu, Ketan Verma, Sejal Mahobia, Jagesh Banjare, Taj Hasan, Madhurya Yadu were present during this period.