Raipur: The skill of bellmetal craftsmen got a new dimension: Minister Guru Rudrakumar

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     Raipur, 03 August 2021.  On the initiative of Village Industries Minister Guru Rudra Kumar, a new dimension is being given to the skills of Belmetal craftsmen through Chhattisgarh Handicrafts Development Board training. On the guidance of Minister Guru Rudra Kumar, the Department of Village Industries has also made available an online platform to provide better market to the artefacts being prepared by the craftsmen. Due to which the artifacts of Chhattisgarh are being appreciated not only in the country but also abroad and to improve the skills of the craftsmen, Chhattisgarh Handicrafts Development Board is giving advanced training to the new young craftsmen associated with Belmetal craft.

Chhattisgarh Handicrafts Development Board, Raipur General Manager Mr. SL Dhurve informed that three months advanced training is being given to the craftsmen associated with Belmetal crafts from August 2 to October 31 in village Singapuri of Pusaur development block of Raigad district. In this training center, the skills of 20 new young craftsmen associated with Belmetal craft are being polished. Skilled trainers have been appointed for this training program by Handicrafts Development Board. During the training, a scholarship of Rs 1500, free tools and equipment including raw material has been provided to each craftsman and after training these craftsmen of Belmetal craft will be linked to self-employment.