Raipur: The path of self-reliance in Bastar associated with nutrition

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Raipur, 22 August 2020. A cult and two hinged proverbs are happening in Vananchal and tribal area Bastar, where the goal of good nutrition and women’s self-reliance is being achieved together. On the initiative of the state head Mr. Bhupesh Baghel, a big fight is being fought at all levels in Bastar due to the challenge of malnutrition and anemia. For this, coordinated efforts are being made by all departments. Women of Bihan group linked to National Livelihood Mission of Panchayat and Rural Development Department have been added to the campaign for malnutrition. These women have been trained by the Women and Child Development Department to alleviate malnutrition and prepare laddus from peanuts, jaggery and cashew nuts. These women’s groups are not only preparing laddus but also make their own boxes for packing. This has also created a new path for women’s self-reliance. Women’s groups have so far earned an income of Rs 31.50 lakh by making laddus. Amcho Leki, Amcho Mae (Our Girl Our mother) has been initiated. The nodal agency for this is Panchayat and Rural Development. Nutritious laddus from peanuts, jaggery and cashew prepared by the women of Bihan group are being provided as additional supplementary nutritious food to 41 thousand 474 children in 1081 Anganwadi centers of the district under the “Harik Nanibera (Happy Childhood)” campaign. . The scheme has now been extended to 72 thousand beneficiaries of 1981 Anganwadi center. Under this, children will be provided 01 laddu laddu of 25 grams of groundnut jaggery on Monday, Wednesday, Friday 3 days and a boiled egg on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday on 3 days.


From the preparation of laddus by the groups to the distribution, the entire action plan has been prepared by the district administration, so that women can be self-sufficed while eliminating malnutrition. Women’s groups have been selected on a cluster basis. After selection, training has also been provided by the Women and Child Development Department at the district level to make laddus. In the first phase, 5 women groups have been selected for 81 Anganwadi centers, 11 groups for 1081 centers for the second phase and 24 self-help groups for 1981 centers have been selected for the third phase. Laddu is prepared through a group of 650 grams of mungfalli, 350 grams of jaggery and cashew, cardamom as per taste. After this, women child development department of Sector, Anganwadi center is supplied.
2000 to 2500 laddus are made daily through 10 members of the women’s group. So far, 12.48 lakh laddus worth Rs 65.37 lakh have been distributed by the groups. This has earned the group an income of Rs 31.50 lakh. At the rate of laddus per nag, the amount is received through the department in the account of the group.
To keep the laddus not broken, the group had to take a box of sweets from outside, which caused them problems. Therefore, 5 groups were trained at the district level to make the box. Now these groups make sweets boxes and supply them to the groups who supply laddus. A capital of one lakh rupees was invested through grouping in box making, making 13 thousand 335 boxes. At the rate of Rs. 10 per box ie Rs. 1 lakh 33 thousand, the group has earned Rs. 33 thousand. The campaign is being implemented, monitored and guided at the gram panchayat level. Monthly meetings of local women groups are being held in Anganbadi centers, Laddu and boiled eggs are provided for children in these centers only. During this time, hygiene, malnutrition and nutritional diet are discussed by women.