Raipur: The important role of contact tracing under the control of Corona, more than 12 thousand officers and employees are engaged in contact tracing

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Raipur. 14 May 2021. Contact tracing has an important role in preventing the spread of corona infection. Contact tracing being conducted extensively in the state has yielded better results. Duty of 12 thousand 435 officers and employees have been engaged in contact tracing operated across the state. In all the districts, information is being made about the health of the people in close contact with the people found positive by making contact tracing teams. Corona examination is also being done when symptoms appear. According to the SOP, drug kits are being given to the exposed persons to prevent infection. They are also being isolated to break the infection link. Arrangements for their complete treatment are also being made at Home Isolation or Kovid Hospital or Covid Care Center if they are found infected after corona examination.

Contact tracing is of great help in stopping the ever-increasing infection rate and breaking the chain of infection. For this, services of officers and employees of higher education, school education, women and child development, health and family welfare and other departments are being taken. Nodal officers have also been appointed in each district for this. Commissioner of Health Department, Dr. C.R. Prasanna is coordinating this campaign at the state level.

Nodal officer Dr. Kamlesh Jain, who is monitoring the state of contact tracing, said that along with the onset of corona epidemic in the state, contact tracing of infected people was started. To prevent the spread of corona infection, preventive measures and treatment, as well as the identification of people exposed to the infected and the symptoms or high-risk ones, need immediate screening so that the chain of infection can be broken. He said that necessary action is being taken by the contact tracing team by identifying the people who came in contact within 48 to 72 hours of the corona positive person.

To control the rate of corona infection and to break the link of infection, sampling and isolation is being done by identifying the people exposed to the patient, prioritizing. It is believed that about 30 people come in contact with four-five corona infects. Among these, the risk of infection is higher in some people and less in some. Those who come in contact with the infected, showing any symptoms or in high risk groups such as persons over 60 years, taking samples from pregnant women suffering from kidney disease, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease etc. Action is taken. Contacts that do not show any symptoms are said to give a sample for corona examination after six days.

In contact tracing, the cooperation of the community and the patients found positive is very important so that more people can be reached and their health can be monitored.