Raipur: The Constitution has proved its worth as a protector of the hopes and rights of the people: Governor Ms. Uike

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The Governor unfurled the flag at the main function held in the capital.

Governor gave message to public at the ceremony

Raipur, 26 January 2021.  The Governor of Chhattisgarh, Ms. Anusuiya Uike hoisted the flag at the main function organized on the occasion of 72nd Republic Day at Police Parade Ground, Raipur, capital of Chhattisgarh today. On this occasion, the National Flag and the Governor were given the Guard of Honor.

This Guard of Honor included BSF, CRPF, CISF, ITBP, SSB, Chhasbal Male, Chhasbal Female, District Police Force, Nagar Sena Male, Nagar Sena Mahila, Band Platoon. It was headed by Ms. Ratna Singh, an officer of the probationary Indian Police Service. The probationary second officer in command was the Deputy Superintendent of Police, Shri Satish Bhargava.

In her message, the Governor, Ms. Uike, wished the people of the Republic Day. He said that the Constitution of our country came into force today, on 26 January 1950. The glorious day of our constitution and proclamation of the democratic system, ‘Republic Day’ is a day of greetings of the people.

The Governor said that I pay my respects to the great men who have been martyred in the freedom struggle of India, the ancestors who have paid whole-hearted money for freedom and the framers of the Constitution. I salute all the dignitaries who have contributed to the Navnirman of independent India, from the brave soldiers who protect the country by standing on the borders. He said that through the Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi, First President Dr. Rajendra Prasad, First Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, First Law Minister Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, First Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Shri Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, he would remember that generation. Am The remarkable talent and foresight with which the Constitution of India was created as a protector of the hopes and rights of the people, has proved its worth in the last 71 years. Come,

The unprecedented disaster and challenges of Corona in Chhattisgarh were faced with
endurance, caution, understanding, courage and unity.

The governor said that the year 2020 was an unprecedented disaster and challenges for Corona before the country and the world. The way Chhattisgarh has faced this challenge with endurance, caution, prudent courage and unity is highly commendable. The dedicated and impeccable services rendered by doctors, health workers, social organizations, will be recorded in the history of humanity. I also salute the great scientists who invented the Corona vaccine, contributed significantly to the vaccine’s creation and paved the way for the Corona epidemic.
The governor said that I am happy that corona vaccination has started in my Chhattisgarh too. He urged that the conscious people of my state cooperate with them to make this vaccination campaign successful. On one hand, the public was relieved due to the visionary thinking, innovation, administrative sensitivity and timely steps of the Government of Chhattisgarh, on the other hand, new records were created in the areas of service and development.
New record in the matter of giving interest-free agricultural loans to farmers
The governor said that more than three-fourth of the population of the state is dependent on agriculture and forest produce, hence the government has given maximum attention to the help of farmers, villagers, traditional forest dwellers and better livelihood. A new record has been made this year in the matter of giving interest-free agricultural loans to farmers, according to which for the first time in the state an amount of about Rs. 4 thousand 700 crore was given to about 12 lakh 66 thousand farmers. 411 crore rupees have been provided to about 6 lakh farmers to compensate for the losses due to unseasonal rains, hailstorms like hailstorm.
Ms. Uike said that the purchase of the major crop of the state on the support price of paddy is the biggest priority of the government, according to this, new records have been set for the purchase of most paddy. The ‘Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyay Yojana’ will be remembered as a historic initiative to provide justice to the farmers in view of the diverse agricultural produce as a whole, under which the government along with paddy as well as 13 other crops like maize, soybean, groundnut, sesame, Initiative has been taken to give incentive amount to farmers for exchange of inputs on the basis of cast area of ​​arhar, moong, urad, kulthi, ramtil, kodo, kutki, ragi and sugarcane crops and more than four and a half thousand crore rupees should be given to farmers Has been done

New record in giving Community Forest Charter and Community Forest Resource Letter
Governor Ms. Uike said that the review of the revoked forest rights claims opened up new gates of justice. A new phase of granting of forest rights letter has been made and giving community forest rights papers and community forest resource papers has created a new record of achievements. Now, the initiative to purchase paddy produced on the land allotted through the Forest Charter letters will also benefit the forest dwellers. Apart from giving maximum remuneration to Tendupatta collectors in the country, innovative steps like ‘Martyr Mahendra Karma Tendupatta Collectors Social Security Scheme’ have been taken. The number of minor forest produce has been increased from 7 to 52 for purchase at the minimum support price. My state of Chhattisgarh has been ranked first among the states purchasing the smallest forest produce minimum support price in the country. Van Dhan Vikas Kendras have been set up at 139 places for processing of forest produce. They cheered It is said that Chhattisgarh government is entering a new era of value-addition of its produce. A new hope has been raised with the start of the process of setting up maize processing unit in Kondagaon, 4 units of paddy making ethanol and more than 100 food parks in the development blocks.
The ‘Godhan Nyaya Yojana’ became a new ray of hope for the weaker sections and the landless.
He said that Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, Chhattisgarh State Rural Livelihood Mission has been a major contributor in providing employment in rural areas. Under the ‘Suraji Gram Yojana’, a new definition of justice has been created by the development and innovation of Narva, Garwa, Ghurwa, Bari. The ‘Godhan Nyaya Yojana’ has created a new ray of hope for the economically weaker sections and the landless, with the government selling cattle dung at an average rate of Rs 15 crore per month.

First in Chhattisgarh ‘Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Rurban Mission’ and
establishment of biogas plant

The Governor said that in the implementation of various schemes of rural development, the achievements of my Chhattisgarh state have been high, such as first in ‘Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Rurban Mission’, second in implementation of ‘Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana’, first in setting up biogas plant, ODF on standards of cleanliness, topper in setting up toilets for people with disabilities and third gender Plus’ second in the country to be declared. Many such achievements assure that the direction and condition of public interest and rural development in the state is correct. Sensitivity to revenue and disaster management among various dimensions of development, strong will power to bring administration closer to public has been the specialty of the state government. This is the reason that in a short time a new district, two sections and 24 new tehsils have been formed.
Governor Ms. Uike said that the obstruction of education session from Corona does not reduce the urge for children to learn and study and their interest remains constant, hence the state government has taken several alternative measures. Steps like online class, mohalla class, Boooltoo lyrics, loudspeaker school have become very popular through the ‘Shiksha Tunhar Duar’ and ‘Shiksha Tunhar Para’ programs which have been praised by honorable Shri Narendra Modi ji, Prime Minister, NITI Aayog etc. . During this, the mid-day meal scheme was conducted with better thinking and dedication, which gave my Chhattisgarh the first place in the country.

52 high quality schools prepared under Swami Atmanand Excellent English Medium School Scheme

He said that while publishing text books in the local dialects prevailing in the state, the measure to reach them to children was recognized as the first attempt of its kind in the country. The step of increasing the provision of free education to class XII under the Right to Education has transformed the lives of thousands of children. The state government has prepared 52 high quality schools under Swami Atmanand Excellent English Medium School Scheme in a few months and the admission of more than 31 thousand children in them is nothing short of a pleasant surprise. This initiative, which increases children’s self-confidence and their efficiency, is going to give far-reaching results. Similarly, the benefits of innovations made in the field of higher education are also being given to the youth. Establishment of Shaheed Nandkumar Patel University in Raigad, foundation stone of Mahatma Gandhi Agricultural and Forestry University in Patan development block of Durg district,
The Governor said that the state government had taken the initiative while doing ground assessment of health and nutrition conditions that if for some reason the people could not reach hospitals and nutrition centers, then these facilities should be extended to the settlements and to the homes of the people. This effort actually took the form of a wider campaign. Urban community health centers were upgraded as ‘Hummer Hospital Services’. OPD from 8 am to 8 pm Operation of, chemotherapy facility for cancer victims at district level, Humer Lab, free dialysis in district hospitals, Chief Minister’s Haat-Bazar Clinic, Chief Minister Urban Health Slum Scheme, appointment of ‘Investigation Mitan’ at village level, Dr. Radha Bai Diagnostic The results of the efforts of the center etc. have started coming, so the benefits of some will start getting quickly.
Inspired by the success of ‘Malaria Free Bastar’
‘Malaria-free Surguja’ and ‘Malaria-free Chhattisgarh’ campaign,

Ms. Uike said that inspired by the success of ‘Malaria-free Bastar’, ‘Malaria-free Surguja’ and ‘Malaria-free Chhattisgarh’ campaign has been launched. ‘Dr. Khoobchand Baghel Health Assistance Scheme and ‘Chief Minister Special Health Assistance Scheme’ are unique schemes of their kind in the country. Through which the general public has got not only free treatment but also up to 20 lakh rupees for free treatment of rare diseases.
Governor Ms. Uike said that on the one hand, due to the big thinking of Chhattisgarh government, universal PDS in the war against hunger. The dream of giving the security cover of the scheme to the people of the state has been realized, on the other hand, the decisive fight against malnutrition and anemia has also started through the ‘Mukhyamantri Suchitran Yojana’. 99 thousand children are malnourished and 20 thousand women are anemia free in a year is encouraging. The door to door security of nutritious food to the Anganwadi beneficiaries during lockdown and distribution of free rice to 57 lakh needy beneficiaries is an example of commitment. He said that the state government has taken initiatives like ‘Jawahar Setu Yojana’, ‘Mukhyamantri Sugam Sadak Yojana’ by adopting the criteria of public utility and meaningfulness for the development of basic infrastructure like roads, electricity, water. At the same time, educated unemployed engineers of the state are also being given employment participation in construction works at the development level. A scheme has been started to provide works of up to Rs 20 lakh by integrated registration of ‘E-category’, in which unemployed youth in the higher secondary and other areas will be eligible for registration.
He said that in the year 2020, construction of new water resources in about 45 thousand hectare area and restoration of irrigation in old schemes has been done. Due to better management of water resources, the actual irrigation was increased from 9 lakh 68 thousand hectare to 13 lakh hectare area in two years, which is a record in itself. The future needs will be met through 15 new schemes including the Bodhghat project. New records of electricity generation are being created with better management. The progress of 2 years in infrastructure development of electricity supply is also remarkable, in which 2 thousand MVA in transmission capacity. Increase in Bastar, 400 and 220 kV. Adequate supply facility has been developed by expanding the network. The contribution of about 11 thousand kilometers of high pressure lines and 28 thousand 500 sub-centers has been recorded. 2 thousand 652 majra-tolas were electrified. The state government has given relief of about 1 thousand 336 crores to more than 38 lakh domestic consumers by giving benefit of half-power bill facility.
The Governor said that while Chhattisgarh’s culture, folk arts, natural beauty and quality natural resources are the basis of Chhattisgarhi’s rise to identity and self-respect, on the other hand it also creates livelihood. The Government of Chhattisgarh, realizing this issue very seriously, has formulated a new policy for the development of tourism and industries, which has paved the way for investment of about 43 thousand crores and employment of 64 thousand people for the establishment of industries in the state. Lord Ram’s exile has been spent in Chhattisgarh, the image of Vanvasi Ram is inscribed in our public beliefs. Ms. Uike said that the development of tourist destinations such as Ram Vanagman Circuit, Tribal Faith Center Devgudi, Center for Natural Beauty, Satrenga and Sarodha-Dadar exemplify the exact steps taken in this direction.
Formation of ‘Chhattisgarh Sports Development Authority’
He said that our trust, security and development strategy are also getting multi-dimensional benefits. There is a tradition of different sports in different parts of the state, which has been constituted as ‘Chhattisgarh Sports Development Authority’ for training and training at scientific and professional level. Multilevel efforts are being made for the establishment of national level academies and development of sports infrastructure, while the formation of Chhattisgarh Culture Council will provide a platform to the multidisciplinary talent of the youth.
The Governor said that the confidence of the government in the minds of the youth, residents of remote and inaccessible areas is being strengthened, its benefits are also being found in stopping the spread of Naxalism. The service work done by the state police force during the Corona period has been appreciated all around. Steps taken to solve the problems of security forces like response allowance, compensation, redress, compassionate appointment, special arrangements for prevention of crimes related to women, etc. have boosted the morale of the police. This has created an ideal environment of law-order-harmony-coordination-public facilities-employment-prosperity and development opportunities. He said that under the umbrella of the Indian Constitution, the people of the state and the state should set new records of development.