Raipur: The Chief Minister paid tribute to Munshi Premchand ji on his birth anniversary.

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Munshi Premchand’s literature is an invaluable treasure of progressive thoughts: Mr. Baghel
Raipur, 30 July 2023

Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel has paid tribute to the novel Samrat Munshi Premchand on the occasion of his birth anniversary on July 31. Mr. Baghel has said that Munshi Premchand was a sensitive writer, who has vividly described the pain and feelings of the common man in his literature. The sorrow, pain, poverty, helplessness and small joys of the common man can be felt closely in his literature. Munshi Premchand ji has made a scathing attack on communalism, corruption, landlordism, usury, poverty, colonialism with his writing. He used simple, easy and colloquial language, due to which his literature reached the masses. Mr. Baghel said that Premchand ji has left an invaluable treasure of progressive thoughts as legacy for the new generation. His invaluable contribution in the field of literature will always be remembered.