Raipur: The ancient tradition of yoga connects all of us to a healthy lifestyle: Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Dev Sai

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Through the Yoga Commission, work will be done to connect more and more people to yoga in the state

On the occasion of International Yoga Day, Chief Minister participated in the mass yoga practice program organized at Science College in the capital Raipur

Yoga is not only important for building a healthy life but also for building a healthy society

Raipur, June 21, 2024

Through the Yoga Commission, work will be done to connect more and more people to yoga in the state

Through the Yoga Commission, work will be done to connect more and more people to yoga in the state

Through the Yoga Commission, work will be done to connect more and more people to yoga in the state

Through the Yoga Commission, work will be done to connect more and more people to yoga in the state

Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Dev Sai participated in the mass yoga practice program organized at Science College Ground in the capital Raipur on the occasion of the tenth International Yoga Day. Here he did group yoga with thousands of people and gave the message of regular yoga practice to the people for a healthy lifestyle.

Through the Yoga Commission, work will be done to connect more and more people to yoga in the state

On the occasion of International Yoga Day, Chief Minister Shri Vishnudev Sai said that it is a pleasure to see that the objectives for which Yoga Day is celebrated all over the world are being achieved today. He said that Yoga is being promoted and spread all over the world today. There is amazing awareness about it in India too. The enthusiasm that is seen here today on the occasion of International Yoga Day is also seen in all the districts, blocks and villages of the state. Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi had suggested to the United Nations to celebrate 21 June as International Yoga Day, as a result of which International Yoga Day is being celebrated all over the world today.

Through the Yoga Commission, work will be done to connect more and more people to yoga in the state

Addressing the program, Chief Minister Shri Sai said that yoga means to connect. The ancient tradition of yoga connects all of us with a healthy lifestyle. Yoga connects our mind and brain. The process of yoga also connects us with spirituality and higher life values. He said that people reached Science College ground to do yoga spontaneously and participated in group yoga. Shri Sai said that society is built by individuals. Yoga is not only necessary for a healthy life, but also for building a healthy society. Today the whole world is understanding and adopting the importance of yoga. Our government will continuously work to connect more and more people in the state with yoga through the Yoga Commission.

Through the Yoga Commission, work will be done to connect more and more people to yoga in the state

Addressing the students present in the program, Chief Minister Shri Sai said that if all of you include yoga in your daily routine, then your student life will improve. Yoga brings concentration and increases memory. You will definitely get great benefits from it. Yoga increases the ability to work. It removes stress. When we work happily while being positive, it has a positive effect on our efficiency and our image becomes good, our career also improves.

On the occasion of International Yoga Day, Women and Child Development and Social Welfare Minister Smt. Laxmi Rajwada said that today is a day of pride, a day of self-respect and a day of joy and happiness for all of us. Today we are celebrating International Yoga Day and this has been possible only when the Prime Minister of the country Shri Narendra Modi has agreed to celebrate the sentiments of Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah, Sarve Santu Niramaya, Sarve Bhadrani Pashyantu Ma Kashchit Dukhbhag Bhavet and Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam as International Yoga Day. Yoga is not just an exercise but a way of life. Yoga is an important part of life. Yoga is a philosophy of life, yoga paves the way for welfare. Describing yoga as essential for the creation of a healthy family, healthy society, healthy country and healthy world, she said that make yoga the basis of life. Yoga is a law to connect the body, mind and soul.

On this occasion, MLA Mr. Rajesh Munat, Mr. Anuj Sharma, Guru Khuswant Saheb, Secretary to the Chief Minister Mr. P. Dayanand, Secretary of Women and Child Development Department Mrs. Shammi Abidi, Collector Dr. Gaurav Singh, SSP Mr. Santosh Singh, Secretary of Yoga Commission Mr. Pankaj Verma along with a large number of public representatives, common citizens and students participated.