The department gave permission to distribute Rs 163 crore 63 lakh incentive remuneration for the year 2021 and Rs 260 crore 49 lakh for the year 2022
9 lakh 49 thousand 944 collectors will get remuneration for Tendupatta collection year 2021 and 8 lakh 61 thousand 772 collectors for Tendupatta collection year 2022
Raipur, 14 June 2023
In Chhattisgarh, incentive remuneration of Rs 424 crore 11 lakh will be distributed to Tendupatta collectors. Orders in this regard have been issued by the Department of Forest and Climate Change. The department has given permission in this regard. Under this, incentive remuneration of Rs 163 crore 62 lakh will be distributed to 9 lakh 49 thousand 944 collectors of 733 societies which were in profit in the year 2021. Similarly, for the collection year 2022, incentive remuneration of Rs 260 crore 49 lakh will be distributed to 8 lakh 61 thousand 772 collectors of 661 committees who were in profit.
This information was given by the Managing Director of Chhattisgarh State Minor Forest Produce Association Mr. Anil Kumar Rai. It is notable that the Chhattisgarh government distributes the profit from the business of tendu leaves to the wage collectors. It is worth mentioning that the Tendupatta collection amount given by Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel to Tendupatta collectors has also been increased and many schemes are being implemented for their welfare.