Raipur: Teachers are never ordinary, Holocaust and construction flourish in his lap: Guru Tujhe Salaam Abhiyan started at the cluster level: Teachers shared experiences

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Raipur, 11 June 2020. On the occasion of the inauguration of ‘Guru Tujhe Salaam Abhiyan’ in Chhattisgarh state today, the teacher of Government Primary School, Sirpur, Shri Rajaram Patel, while greeting all the teachers of the state, said, “Teacher is never ordinary, Holocaust and construction flourish in his lap.” Teacher. ”Mr. Patel is known for his responsibilities and social concerns. By helping students from weaker families and students with disabilities, they have enhanced the value of not only themselves but also the teacher community. On the inauguration, Shri Dhindra Rana, the nodal of the Government Primary School Sirboda and Sankul urged all the gurus to pay attention to the all round development of children.

To promote the use of online portal of school education website, ‘Guru Tujhe Salaam Abhiyan’ package level campaign was launched in the state from today. On this occasion, teachers from one end of Dantewada to the other end of Surguja joined and shared their experiences with each other. Teachers from schools within the clusters were involved in video conferencing through the web and everyone shared such moments of educational life – Aha Movement – in which some new ideas, memorable moments were shared among themselves.

Shrimati Anita Sahu, a teacher of Upper Primary School, Sirboda, said that she relates the precious moments of her life and knows that she belongs to a teacher family and knows the importance of teacher. He told the success story of a financially weak student of the school and his contribution. Shri Vishal, Group Coordinator of Government Primary School, Sirpur said that this is an important program and teachers have an important role in its success. All teachers inspire more and more children to take virtual classes. By Sunday, all teachers should schedule their virtual class and inform, so that the tie-table of the virtual class can be shared on Monday. He said that teacher’s respect is associated with the future of children. Shri TK Lal Sahu, teacher of Government Primary School, Palidih, mentioned the success of one of his students. In the program, Shri Sudam Sahu, Khirod Chaudhary, Jugendra Kishore Sahu, Loknath Pradhan, Subhash Pradhan, Mrs. Sulochana Patel, Mrs. Mrinalini Bhoi also shared the precious moments of life with everyone.

Similarly, in the cluster center Barasur of Dakshin Bastar Dantewada Geidam, the clusters coordinator Shri Bhupendra Shriwas joined the teachers of all the schools under the cluster and shared their experiences. In this meeting all the teachers were emotionally connected and shared memorable moments of their life with everyone. Teachers praised the positive initiative of this campaign. On the same lines, the students will meet on 13 June and the parents on 16 June via webax. The online meeting of all the teachers of the cluster source Kendra Semalia was conducted through the meeting app of Cisco WebEx. The teachers shared the experience of teacher life.