Raipur: Taskforce brainstormed to prepare a roadmap for the development of all areas related to higher education in the state

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Raipur, 13 August 2021. As per the expectations of Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel, a meeting of the Task Force constituted by the State Planning Commission under the leadership of Shri Ajay Singh for the development of higher education in the state was held today at Yojna Bhawan, Nava Raipur. In the task force meeting, Dr. K. Subramaniam, Member State Planning Commission, Member of Task Force and Vice Chancellor of Gujarat Law University Shri Shantakumar, Vice Chancellors of State Universities Prof. s. K Patil (IGKV), Prof. K.L. Verma (PRSU) and Directors of National Educational Institutions Prof. Rajat Moona (IIT), Prof. Pradeep Sinha (IIIT) also attended. Representatives of the concerned departments of the state government were also present in the meeting.
In the meeting, representatives of the higher education departments of the state government, technical education, medical education, animal husbandry education, fisheries education and other related departments presented issues related to the status and challenges of higher education in the state before the task force.
Deputy Chairman of the State Planning Commission and Chairman of the Task Force, Shri Ajay Singh apprised the representatives of the departments and the members of the Task Force about the expectations of the State Government and the Task Force and said that a specific theme based group has been formed under this Task Force. Under the task force, 6 working groups have been constituted related to college education, technical education, medical education, Indian medical education, agricultural education, animal husbandry and fisheries education. Apart from this, constitution of working group related to legal education and science and technology is also under process. These working groups will work to identify the challenges of the subjects related to their field and find solutions. He exhorted the Presidents, Sanyajaks of the Working Groups to find practical solutions to the challenges of higher education at the earliest.
In the meeting, Dr. K. Subramaniam shared the draft report with the members of the task force and representatives of the departments. He said that the Working Groups have the freedom to include challenges and topics related to the relevant field. He expected the members of the task force to give advice for the development of higher education in the state in the context of the new education policy. Other members of the task force are Shri Shanthakumar, Shri Vivekanandan. and Dr. S. Of. Patil also shared his views related to the development of higher education. It is noteworthy that in the field of higher education, the working groups formed under the task force will submit their report to the task force. Based on which the task force will submit its recommendations to the state government.