Raipur: Target to provide piped drinking water to every household by March 2024: Water life mission started campaign

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Government committed to deliver pure drinking water to every household

Raipur, 11 March 2021.  Mission Director of Water Life Mission Chhattisgarh,  S. Prakash today held discussions with representatives of institutions related to folk art, literature, culture and films regarding the state’s ambitious plan. He informed that the availability of pure drinking water in every household through pipelines has to be ensured in every house of the state through pipelines with the help of local body panchayats. In order to ensure smooth supply of drinking water, ensure the payment of minimum amount monthly to every benefited family. It can be resiliented by local bodies. For the pipe connection to the house for tap connection, the amount will be taken as 5 percent in scheduled areas and 10 percent in deforested areas and 10 percent in general areas. The remaining amount will be borne by the state and central government.

According to the information received from the Director Jal Jeevan Mission, the plan to provide drinking water to each household has been divided into three parts under the Jeevan Jeevan Mission Scheme. In the first phase, only the pre-implemented tap water scheme has been enhanced in the retrofitting scheme, in which under the pre-operated water supply schemes across the state, every household in the rural area will be transported with pure water pipeline. Maintenance work of pipe lines will be done. Operating expenses for the water distribution system 10 percent of the approved plan for the initial time is being provided by the Central Government in the form of Corpus Fund. Similarly, the cooperation amount will be collected from the beneficiaries benefiting from the scheme through the panchayats. Bore, pipe, pump, tank, distribution line, electricity connection, for ground water available in villages where the tap water scheme is not applicable under single village scheme. The funds are being jointly funded by the central state government for the initial expenses to build the operating system. In the third phase, a cluster village scheme is being chalked out for drinking water for drinking water for filter plants, etc.

The Government of Chhattisgarh has set a target of providing pure drinking water of high quality to all households by March 2024, in which a nominal amount of money is to be taken for water every month to ensure public participation. Theatrical troupes, short films, songs, poems, picture exhibitions, posters will be used to create drinking water awareness among the people. Creators, theater group directors, directors, lyricists and short-film makers present in the workshop have been requested to make presentations on these topics at the earliest. In order to ensure the quality of piped drinking water arrangements to be done in this water life mission, the evaluation of the quality of work will be done independently by the third agency.