Raipur: Take stern action in the case of animal cruelty: Chairman of State Goseva Commission meeting of animal cruelty prevent committee in Kanker

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Raipur, 19 January 2021.Chhattisgarh State Cow Service Commission Chairman Rajeshree Mahant Ramsundar Das Ji Maharaj held a meeting of District Animal Cruelty Prevention Committee at Kanker District Headquarters today. He directed the officers to act with sensitivity in the matter of cruelty to animals in the district. On those people who are not taking care of the convenience of transport of animals and birds, those who hang them upside down, take more work than the prescribed time period, take them from late evening to night and morning for purchase and sale. Instructed to take action as per rules. To organize shops related to animals and birds in the areas of Gram Panchayat, Nagar Panchayat and Municipality etc., to get information about meat buyers and sellers in the district by duly registering, arranging for slaughter house,
Chhattisgarh State Goseva Commission Chairman Rajeshree Mahant Ramsundar Das ji asked the Additional Superintendent of Police to keep a strict vigil on the trade in the border districts and states of the bovine as well as to imprison their vehicle by taking strict legal action against those found involved in it. gave instructions. Officials gave information about registration and member number of Animal Cruelty Prevention Committee. Officials also informed about the updated status of registered gaushalas in the district and the arrangements there. President Rajeshri Mahant Ramsundar Das Ji Maharaj said that we all have to move forward in the field of cow dynasty and those who want to do cow service, They have to be encouraged for this. He also duly inquired about the registered shops related to the sale and sale of animals and birds and instructed to send proposals to the government by identifying the places related to the arrangements of cattle sickness and cow sanctuary to be made in each district.
At the meeting, Dr. M.P. Pasi gave detailed information about the current animal welfare fortnight. Additional Superintendent of Police G.A. Bagde, Registrar Dr. NK Shukla, Dr. ML Sahu and Deputy Director Agriculture N.K. Nagesh, Deputy Director of Livestock Development Department LP Singh, Revenue Inspector Municipality Anubhav Sahu and concerned officers were present.