Raipur: Sustainable Development Goals Urban Index released by NITI Aayog: Raipur Urban Area Front Runner

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Raipur, 25 November 2021. In the “Sustainable Development Target Urban Index” released by NITI Aayog on 23 November 2021, Raipur urban area of ​​Chhattisgarh state has been placed in the category of “front runner”. It is noteworthy that for the first time such an urban index has been released by NITI Aayog under this type of Sustainable Development Goal. In the index, 56 urban areas of the country have been ranked on the basis of progress achieved in 77 indices. In which Raipur has secured 20th rank by providing 67.36 marks. Shimla is on the first rank with the highest score of 75.5 in 56 urban areas. According to the information received from the Chhattisgarh State Planning Commission, the score and rank of Raipur city in this index is better than many big and major cities like Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Bhubaneshwar, Lucknow, Prayagraj, Ranchi, Indore.
Significantly, 17 SDG goals have been set by the United Nations to ensure sustainable development. The country and the state are committed to fulfill the objectives of SDGs. At the state level, “SDG” will be issued by the State Planning Commission for evaluation of the progress achieved under these targets. State Indicator Framework” and “SDG. “Baseline and Progress Report” has been prepared, which has been released by the Chief Minister, Chhattisgarh Government on 12 July 2021. On the basis of this framework, continuous monitoring and monitoring by the departments has been helpful in this achievement of Raipur city.
In the “Sustainable Development Goals Urban Index”, Raipur city has been ranked as SDG. The highest score was 86 in Goal 12 (Responsible Production and Consumption), 79 in Goal 4 (Quality Education) and Goal 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation). Also scored well in Round 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), Goal 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), Goal 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), Round 13 (Climate Action and Goal 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institution). Due to which Raipur has been placed in the category of “Front Runner”.