Raipur: Students will make an important contribution to Prime Minister Modi’s vision of New India: Ms. Uike

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Raipur, 09 January 2022.

Governor encouraged the students of Vivekananda Technical University and taught them to face the challenges

There are many challenges in life. Success and failure are two sides of the same coin. Never be afraid of failure, accept challenges, always work by setting goals with determination and determination, no one can stop you from being successful. Governor Ms. Anusuiya Uikey said this. He said that Prime Minister Modi has given the concept of building a new India and a self-reliant nation. Students will play an important role in such nation building. Our youth is the strength of our country. They can contribute significantly in nation building with their technical knowledge. On the basis of such technical knowledge, we are facing an epidemic like Corona. She was addressing engineering students of Swami Vivekananda Technical University, Bhilai. He also inaugurated the audio-video studio of the university.

Governor Ms. Uike told the students that the society and the state have high expectations from you.

Governor Ms. Uike told the students that the society and the state have high expectations from you. I am sure that you will definitely bring laurels to the state of Chhattisgarh. Along with bookish knowledge, practical knowledge is also necessary in life, he said. Do not forget your conduct and manners. Success in life is achieved only by good behavior and values. He said that no matter how high you get in life, always give up your ego. Ms. Uike said that the students present here will achieve success in one or the other field. Wherever you go, I’ll be happy to remember you and tell you about my achievements. Explaining the importance of language, the Governor said that when she was in the National Commission for Women, most of the publications were in English. But most of the women in our country know Hindi and the local language. I got all the schemes and publications related to women’s rights published in Hindi, so that common people can also understand.

The governor answered the questions of the students

Governor gave answer to the questions of the students – On the question of guidance for a bright future, the Governor said that by setting goals, work hard with perseverance and patience, success will surely come. Answering the question related to advice for youth, said that your self-confidence will give you strength, take guidance from friends and gurus, adopt hard work and extra-curricular activities in your life for all round development.

Asked the employee of CSVTU about his well-being – During the visit, the Hon’ble Governor took the condition of the employee, Mr. Rupram Devangan, when he looked unwell, on which Rupram Devangan talked about his health and thanked the Governor for his contemplation. .

Governor Ms. Uike arriving at Swami Vivekananda Technical University
Governor Ms. Uike visited the Swami Vivekananda Technical University and inspected the Ultra High Resolution UAV Mapping Machine. Governor described this machine as useful for Public Works, Rural Development, Agriculture and Water Resources, Public Health and other departments and said that such machines would prove to be very useful for designing the master plan. Giving suggestions for the vacant areas of the university campus, the Governor said that parks should be constructed in the vacant places for the entertainment of the children and environment friendly development should be done. Vice Chancellor Shri M.K. Giving information, Verma said that keeping in mind the energy conservation, he converted the entire campus into a solar system, which was appreciated by the Governor.
While inspecting the digital evaluation system, the Governor said that in the circumstances created during the Corona period, digital assessment would be effective and transparency would also come in the evaluation method.
On this occasion a report on 42 villages adopted by CSVTU Bhilai was presented to the Governor and various social works done by NSS were mentioned. University students were present in the program.