Raipur: Spa center sex racket were opened in Raipur including Babylon Tower to run sex racket… 20 girls, 3 managers and 1 female pimp arrested

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Police raided some spa centers and hotels in Raipur. After this surprising revelations have happened. Under the guise of spa center and hotel, the work of running sex racket was being done here. Services were taken from the girls in the name of massage and body spa. And the customers were talked to here in code words like Happy Ending and Full Service.

The touts used to fix the rates and provide the girls of their choice by showing the photographs to the customers. All this was going on in the heart of the city for a long time. In the whole case, the police have arrested 6 youths. He is the manager of the hotels and the owner of the spa center. A girl has also been caught who used to work as a manager. Happy ending code word
The first thing in the dark rooms inside the spa center begins with a massage. The girls are dressed in bold clothes to woo the customers. After this, service is given using code words like deep massage and happy ending, full body service. From 1000 rupees to 3000 rupees were charged for full service and happy ending. Here Happy Ending and Full Service refers to pornographic services.

When the police reached these places, some young men and women were found in objectionable condition. The phone records of the accused were also checked. In this too, the police found important evidence related to prostitution. Many objectionable things have also been recovered in the spa center. It is being told that in the spa centers which were raided by the police, there used to be nothing but sex racket.

During raids, evidence was found of prostitution being conducted in spa centers and hotels located at Telibandha, Golbazar and Amanaka police stations. Police has registered an offense against the accused under sections 4, 5, 7 of the PETA Act. Raids in these spa centers and hotels
Officers of the Anti-Crime and Cyber Unit, which included 4 women DSPs, CSPs and men and women jawans, this team went out for investigation. Buddha Spa Center located in front of Marine Drive in Police Station Telibandha area, Moksha Spa Center located on the first floor of Babylon Tower B Block, Hotel Host of Police Station Golbazar, Hotel Cape Town located in Udaya Society of Police Station Amanaka, Hotel Ellora of Police Station Ganj, Rosa of Police Station Moudhapara. There was a raid in the spa.

Racket was being run with more than 20 girls
Police has received information about the involvement of more than 20 girls in this action. However, citing the guidelines of the Supreme Court, action has been taken in this entire incident against the owner, manager and hotel manager of the spa centre. The statements of the girls are being taken. Spa Center Director Hitesh Chauhan and Moksha Spa Center Director Mannu Soni have been arrested in Buddha Spa Centre. Information about 12 girls involved in prostitution has been received from them. All of them were brought to the police station and their statement is being recorded.

Ashok Tandi, the manager of the hotel host, has been arrested. Here 6 girls and the female manager of Hotel Cape Town have been arrested and statements have been taken by taking 2 girls here to the police station. Umesh Bhoi, the manager of Hotel Ellora, and Rajesh Bhoi have been arrested. Statement of 1 girl giving service is being taken here. In this action Pradeep Dindia, the operator of Rosa Spa has been arrested, he was running the spa without a spa license.