Raipur: School Education Secretary Mr. Pardeshi planted trees along with Panchayat representatives and students

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Raipur, 02 July 2024

School Education Department Secretary Shri Siddharth Komal Pardeshi today planted more than 150 shady plants along with Panchayat representatives and students of village Rakhi of Arang development block of Raipur district. Before planting the saplings, the Secretary administered an oath to all the students and parents that they will nurture the saplings planted by them till they become trees and will also protect them.

On the instructions of Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Dev Sai, a campaign to plant trees is being run in schools across the state on the theme ‘Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam’. The state government has sent a letter to this effect to all the collectors yesterday itself. ‘Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam’ plantation campaign was started from Government Higher Secondary School Rakhi of District Raipur, Block Arang.

Secretary Shri Pardeshi motivated the students and told that trees and plants play an important role in keeping the environment balanced. He said that plant trees in the memory of your family members. Due to trees and plants, the environment remains pure and the temperature is controlled. The future of our lives depends on trees and plants. He told the children that they should not only plant trees themselves but also inspire their family members and friends to plant trees. He also appealed to the Sarpanch Mrs. Gayatri Sahu, Deputy Sarpanch Mr. Poshan Patel and the villagers present to plant trees and protect them.

Director of Education Department Mrs. Divya Mishra said that we should gift and plant trees to make occasions like birthdays, marriage anniversaries etc. memorable. Today, more than 150 saplings of Neem, Gulmohar, Ashok, Arjun, Mango, Peepal etc. were planted in the Rakhi Vidyalaya campus and the responsibility of their protection was handed over to the school students. On this occasion, environment lover Dr. Padam Jain, Deputy Secretary Mrs. Fariha Alam, Under Secretary Mr. R.P. Verma and Additional Director of School Education Department Mr. Yogesh Shivhare, Joint Director Mr. Ashutosh Chavre, Deputy Director Mr. Ashok Banjara, Mr. Karman Khatkar, Mahesh Nayak, Praveen Srivastava, Luv Kumar, R.K. Tripathi, Principal of the institute Mrs. Chanchal Pardeshi along with public representatives and dignitaries were present.